ZEV mandate: what it is and how it will impact UK drivers

“One of the most remarkable interventions in any industry ever” is how Mike Hawes, chief of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, described the zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) mandate that the UK government introduced into the country’s new car market at the start of this year.

However dry and dull the ZEV mandate might sound, it’s a serious business that has caused car makers to build up entirely new teams of data analysts to manage compliance spreadsheets. And all this was only rubber-stamped towards the end of last year with just a few weeks’ notice.

Hawes’ description of the legislation, which creates a fine of £15,000 per non-compliant car sold over the limit, is a good temperature check for something that impacts and influences every single car sold in the UK and will continue to do so until at least the end of the decade.

Sitting comfortably? You might not be if you work for a car manufacturer, but you will want to…

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