Will phone payments make car park machines obsolete?

After a new job..? 

Dream job klaxon: the Isle of Wight hovercraft, subject of Autocar’s 2022 Christmas road test, is in need of a new pilot. There’s much excitement and dusting off of CVs among my colleagues.

Hovertravel operates two Griffon Hoverwork 12000TDs and is looking for a new ‘master to join its team of eight pilots, who spend their days crossing the Solent in these £5 million, 33-tonne, 78-passenger, 2126bhp vehicles. It’s the only year-round scheduled hovercraft service in the world.

There is a potential problem for motoring hacks dreaming of sunny days drifting across calm waters, however.

The job advert states: “Individuals must hold one of the following STCW95 Certificates of Competence: Master 11/2 or 1I/3 (Unlimited, <3000GT or <500GT); Master Il/3, limited to hovercraft less than 500GT on near-coastal voyages only; be appropriately qualified seafarers applying to obtain this coC under STCW regulation 11/3 as stated in MGN1856 and with reference to Annex D therein.” I’ve no idea. But if you do, you know where to look.

Autocar’s archive continues to grow

Exciting news comes from Autocar’s unofficial chief archive nerd, sub-editor Kris Culmer. Having audited our digital archive (which is powered by Exact Editions) to find where gaps exist, he has been working to get them filled.

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