‘The Daily Show’ brutally mocks Trump’s decision not to testify

So, after stating multiple times that he planned to testify, Donald Trump’s defence recently rested without the former president taking the stand — and nobody was more shocked than Daily Show host Michael Kosta.

“What?! After talking such a big game he’s not testifying? So he’s doing the opposite of what he told us he’s going to do over and over again? That’s not the Donald Trump I know,” Kosta jokes in the clip above.

“It’s just so peculiar that outside the courtroom with his legal pads of notes he just talks and talks and talks, but then if you ask him to walk just a few feet inside the courtroom and to swear to tell the truth under penalty of law suddenly he’s afraid to speak? I mean, what’s the difference? Is it the fluorescent lighting? I mean I hate to even come to this conclusion, but is it possible that Donald Trump is full of shit?”

For more Daily Show analysis of the Trump trial, head here.

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