‘The Big Cigar’ trailer follows Black Panther leader Huey P. Newton’s escape to Cuba

In 2012 journalist Joshuah Bearman, whose 2007 Wired article fuelled Ben Affleck’s Argo, wrote another article about a fake movie used in an escape plan to smuggle someone out of a country. For Playboy, he wrote about Black Panther leader Huey P. Newton and his escape from the U.S. to Cuba with the help of Hollywood producer Bert Schneider.

And now, it’s been made into an Apple TV+ series, with the first two episodes directed by Don Cheadle.

Moonlight star André Holland is out front as revolutionary and activist Newton, the founding leader of the Black Panther Party. The cast also includes Alessandro Nivola, Tiffany Boone, PJ Byrne, Marc Menchaca, Moses Ingram, Rebecca Dalton, Olli Haaskivi, Jordane Christie, and Glynn Turman.

How to watch: The Big Cigar premieres on May 17 with the first two episodes, with new episodes every Friday after that.


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