The 16 Biggest Haters In Video Games

Anders defends another mage.

Image: BioWare

Dragon Age II’s party members exist to embody the political and religious and political conflicts that define its setting of Kirkwall. Fenris, an elf who was enslaved by mages in the land of the Tevinter Imperium, and Anders, a mage freedom fighter, could not be more diametrically opposed. Their relationship is entirely defined by outward disdain for each other, and it’s clear that if they weren’t linked by protagonist Hawke, they’d have killed each other shortly after meeting. But the most hater moment of their relationship comes in Fenris’ final companion quest, in which the player can give him back to his slaver in the last act. If you do this, Anders gets Friendship points. Sure, people are complicated individuals who contradict themselves, but seeing a person who does nothing but advocate for freedom celebrate the enslavement of someone they hate is a profound hater moment.

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