
A Playable 90s Cartoon With Vampires

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Sometimes all it takes to grab my attention is one trailer. One good teaser. And that’s exactly how I discovered Blud, a newly released 2D Zelda-like action game about vampires, evil tech bros, and high school. I saw its release trailer on Twitter, thought “Wow that looks cool!” and started playing it. The game, with…

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The Best (And Worst) Dads And Daddies In Video Games

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Happy Father’s Day weekend to all the dads and dad havers who are reading Kotaku. Yes, it’s the time of year that we celebrate the daddies in our lives—whether that be our fathers or the men we call daddy. So hey, we figured we’d make a big ol’ list of the best dads and/or daddies in video games. Some of these men are…

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