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Stephen King teases extract from upcoming ‘Cujo’ sequel

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Stephen King shared an excerpt from “Rattlesnakes”, the “Cujo” sequel short story in his upcoming collection “You Like It Darker”.
A large St. Bernard dog stands outdoors. A Twitter/X post from Stephen King is visible in the corner of the image.

It’s been over 40 years since Stephen King‘s rabid dog classic Cujo was published, but it’s about to get a sequel.

OK, so it’s not another novel we’re looking at, but a short story from King’s newly announced collection You Like It Darker, the title of which is “Rattlesnakes”.

The author linked to an Entertainment Weekly article that has the extract from the story.

“A grieving widower travels to Florida for respite and instead receives an unexpected inheritance — with major strings attached,” reads the description, but anyone familiar with Cujo will immediately recognise the story’s protagonist: Vic Trenton, now an old man in the 2020-set story, who was married to Donna Trenton in the 1981 novel. Donna is Cujo‘s protagonist, a mother who becomes trapped in her car along with her young son, Tad, while the rabid dog waits outside.

The excerpt and story description don’t give too much away, other than the fact that Donna is now clearly dead. Cujo himself is dead at the end of the 1981 novel, so it remains to be seen what threat her husband will face in this new tale.

You Like It Darker is available to pre-order now. It releases on May 21, 2024.


Alan Wake 2: The Kotaku Review

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I put off writing this Alan Wake 2 review because I was scared. Scared that I’d look into myself and find I wasn’t up to the task, that I lacked the right words, with nothing to offer but emptiness and failure. It’s not at all uncommon, though, for writers to be wracked with doubt. Many years ago, I saw the novelist…

Read more…

Tech / Technology

Stephen King trolls Elon Musk over his new AI chatbot

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Stephen King trolled Elon Musk’s announcement about Grok, his new AI chatbot.
Two side-by-side images show an older man on the left smiling, and a man on the right looking serious. A Twitter post from Elon Musk is visible between them.

Stephen King is never shy when it comes to making his feelings clear on Twitter/X, and recently a lot of those feelings have been directed towards Elon Musk.

Last week, the horror master posted about wanting the name to change back to Twitter — “This X shit’s got to go,” he wrote — and now he’s trolling Musk’s latest invention — an AI chatbot named Grok (yes, Grok).

Musk announced the launch of the chatbot — the name of which ties in which his love of sci-fi — over the weekend. It’s currently available for a select group, and will be available to Premium+ subscribers once it’s out of early beta.

“Just released Grok,” posted Musk.

King’s fairly uncompromising quote tweet response? “Big whoop.”

Musk seemed to find the post funny, responding with laughing emoji and the question “Wanna try it?” — an offer King doesn’t appear to have taken up at the time of writing.

Musk is clearly a fan of King, even if the author isn’t a fan of the changes Musk has made since taking over Twitter. Prior to the owner and ex-CEO charging X users $8 for a blue check, King expressed his displeasure at the idea, which resulted in Musk trying to haggle with the author.

Regarding AI, King has previously shared his thoughts on the possibility of it writing fiction, saying he views it with “a certain dreadful fascination”. Clearly he’s not all that fascinated by Grok, though.

Tech / Technology

Twitter users still resisting X name change months later

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Months after Elon Musk changed Twitter’s name to X, users fight to change the name back. Stephen King is speaking out. Now what?
A woman wearing a Twitter logo in the style of the mockingjay from Hunger Games fires an arrow at a giant X atop a skyscraper.

It’s three months since the official change, and reports of the death of Twitter — as a name, that is — have been greatly exaggerated.

“This X shit’s got to go,” author Stephen King tweeted Thursday. That post received 71,000 likes by the end of the day. Elon Musk, creator of “this X shit,” responded to King with a “XX” and a winking-kiss emoji. Musk’s reply had a relatively tiny 7,300 likes at time of writing, despite the fact that Musk has 150 million more followers than King.

It was another humiliation for Musk, who has frequently tried to bring King, one of his favorite writers, on board with his controversial plans for the service. But it was also a crucial temperature-taking of the Twitter community. “Everyone literally still just calls it Twitter,” said one of the most popular replies. “I cannot explain to my friends what X is,” said another.

These are no mere anecdotes. A Harris Poll/Ad Age survey in mid-September found that some 69% of U.S. adults still refer to the platform as Twitter. A Chrome extension that scrubs all mentions of X from has more than 100,000 users. All of which raises an interesting question: If Elon Musk is trying to make fetch happen, and fetch doesn’t seem to be happening, and a significant chunk of his users say that fetch is never, ever going to happen … what happens next?

Musk owns the service, of course, and can call it whatever he likes. The company providing the service is legally known as X Corp. But the English language is a democracy, and if most of us are still calling the service Twitter, then Twitter it is. English itself is on the side of the 69% — or, to give them a more appropriate name, the Twitter resistance.

Musk is, as in many things, his own worst enemy here. The slapdash nature of the name-change rollout means that uses of “Twitter” and “tweets” are still all over the website, the app, the email communications. Most representations are beyond his control. The bird logo is embedded so many places on the internet and IRL, scrubbing it out would take years of work by more employees than … well, than Musk has already fired.

Ironically, given Musk’s propensity for media bashing, the media may be his biggest ally in making X happen. Some outlets such as Wired have changed their style guide to call Twitter X. Others use the “X, formerly Twitter” construction. If enough people over enough time read enough news about Twitter that calls the service X, and it rubs off on them, then you may not have to explain to your friends what X is anymore. The linguistic vote would start to tilt in Musk’s favor.

Twitter vs. X, round 1

Let’s recap, because you may still have a hard time believing that “this X shit” even happened. Reality sounds like a bad movie pitch: World’s richest man, having massively overpaid for one of the most beloved brands on the internet, kills it. World’s richest man has long been obsessed with the letter X, ignoring everyone who has tried to tell him how shady it sounds.

To drive the point home, this guy also thinks it looks cool to stick a massive “X” on the roof of the beloved brand’s office building (whose owner, by the by, says the world’s richest man has been stiffing him on the rent). It’s a brutal-looking X made out of lights so bright it blinds tenants in the apartments opposite.

At this point, a seasoned Hollywood executive might look incredulous. C’mon, this is like Biff Tannen from Back to the Future meets Mr. Potter from It’s a Wonderful Life! You’re making it too obvious what will happen next: some plucky group of underdogs restores the brand, because he can’t actually force people to use his name! No one is that much of a cartoon villain, surely?

Musk, by accident or design, was determined to make himself seem like a supervillain: “X Luthor,” as more than one Twitter user dubbed him at the time of the name change. Lex Luthor actor Jon Cryer tweeted about the similarity of X corp to that of the fictional LexCorp.

It was almost as if he was begging for a resistance movement to rise against him, as they so often do on Twitter. After all, Musk had handed his foes a perfect ready-made symbol — a bird, just like the Mockingjay worn by Katniss Everdeen in the Hunger Games series. “The bird is freed,” Musk tweeted when he took over a year ago; a Twitter resistance could use that very slogan.

Would the bird logo catch on? Would Twitter’s millions of users protest the change by switching their avatar to the bird? Would they go dark, like Reddit during a summer of protest, and only log on the bare minimum of times necessary to stop Musk seizing their accounts (which is, apparently, once every several years)?

And a King shall lead them

Well, no, not exactly. Twitter has certainly seen a decline in its daily active users, but what is remarkable is that it hasn’t declined further. More than 200 million people still use the service daily. A majority still call it Twitter, sure; they tweet (rather than post) jokes and memes about Musk’s weird X obsession and dead birds in cages. But they’ve also blithely accepted all the X imagery creeping in around the edges — the horrible faux-marble app icon, the design-school-reject logo — because what can you do, right? Just try not to pay attention to it!

Which is why King’s sudden intercession is so interesting. It’s not that the author was previously unaware of the “X shit”; he still posts very frequently, like many a Musk opponent who once claimed they would quit the service. In fact, he’s not going anywhere. King is taking a stand, pun very much intended, and he may well be the right leader for the moment. He’s folksy. His work is extremely popular in middle America and around the world, including with Musk and friends.

Why now? No reason necessary. We all get it, that moment when you’ve just had enough and vow that an intolerable thing cannot go on (certainly, this has happened to more than a few of King’s characters). The fact that the moment has come three months in makes it that much worse for Musk. King cannot be accused of rushing to judgment.

Whether King continues the charge against X, and whether other high-profile users will join him, remains to be seen. But by calling it out as he sees it, he’s already given the nascent Twitter resistance a powerful weapon in their fight for the old brand. Advertisers, always wary of a New Coke situation, may run away even faster from a service described by the world’s favorite horror writer as “X shit.”

Your move, X Luthor.

Tech / Technology

Elon Musk’s AI project is launching. He says it’s the ‘best that currently exists’.

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Elon Musk’s xAI project is launching on Nov. 4, Musk tweeted.
Elon Musk

Elon Musk’s artificial intelligence project, xAI, is launching its first product on Saturday.

Musk shared the news on X/Twitter on Friday, saying that xAI will release its “first AI” to a select group of users.

“In some important respects, it is the best that currently exists,” he tweeted.

Led by Musk, xAI is an artificial intelligence company consisting of AI experts that have previously worked at companies such as DeepMind, OpenAI, Google, Microsoft, and Tesla, as well as the University of Toronto. The company was launched in July 2023, with the self-proclaimed goal to “understand the true nature of the universe.”

Now, it appears that xAI will launch a product to some beta testers, though it’s unclear who is getting access.

Musk recently participated in an AI-related discussion with UK’s Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. He also hinted at various developments such as a new, AI-based “See similar” posts feature that’s rolling out on X/Twitter now.

On its website, xAI says it’s a “separate company from X Corp, but will work closely with X (Twitter), Tesla, and other companies to make progress towards our mission.”

While it’s unclear what type of AI will xAI launch tomorrow, it will be joining a growing number of AI-related products that launched in the past year or so, including OpenAI’s ChatGPT, as well as Google’s Bard chatbot.

Tech / Technology

Stephen King tweets his ‘Salem’s Lot’ remake review

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Stephen King has shared his review of Gary Dauberman’s “Salem’s Lot” remake in a series of posts on Twitter/X.
A man with glasses looks serious while talking. Part of a Twitter/X post from Stephen King is visible at the bottom of the image.

Will we ever actually get to see IT writer Gary Dauberman’s remake of Stephen King’s novel ‘Salem’s Lot?

The project has been sitting on the Warner Bros. shelves for a while, but based on King’s recent review, we’re hoping it sees the light of day soon.

The horror master — who isn’t always favourable when he reviews adaptations of his work — took to Twitter/X recently to praise the remake, describing it as “muscular and involving”.

“It has the feel of ‘Old Hollywood,’ when a film was given a chance to draw a breath before getting to business. When attention spans were longer, in other words,” wrote King. “It feels like a horror movie version of slow-burn movies like THE GREAT ESCAPE. It builds very well. There are diversions from the book I don’t agree with, but on the whole, faithful.”

King even went on to describe his favourite scene from the movie, which sounds fittingly gruesome for a story about vampires.

“Best scene: Danny Glick in the hospital, trying to claw down a blood bag,” wrote King. “The Glick scene could have been directed by John Carpenter in his prime.”

Although Salem’s Lot may not be getting a theatrical release, the latest reports suggest it may end up launching on Max. Here’s hoping it’s soon.

Tech / Technology

Stephen King calls on Elon Musk to change ‘X’ back to Twitter

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Author Stephen King is once again heckling Elon Musk. This time it is over the Twitter name change to “X.”
Stephen King

Stephen King is once again publicly calling out Elon Musk and how he’s running X, the platform formerly known as Twitter.

What is King blasting Musk for this time? The “X” name itself.

“This X shit’s got to go,” posted King on Thursday. “#ChangeItBack”

And by “change it back,” King is referring to the social media platforms former name, Twitter.

King has been a frequent critic of Musk since his takeover of the platform last year. In fact, this isn’t even the first time he mocked Musk’s name change. However, this time King is specifically calling on Musk to change the name back.

Unlike Musk’s many other critics, however, the X owner has previously signaled that he’s a fan of King and his work. This has previously led to back-and-forth exchanges between the two on the platform. 

King’s words appear to have some weight with Musk, as he previously haggled with King publicly on the platform as what a fair price would be for X Premium, the paid subscription service then-known as Twitter Blue. Musk offered an $8 per month price to King as a counteroffer after proposing a higher number. King scoffed at the idea of paying for a blue verification badge at all, which led to Musk gifting the author with an entirely free Twitter Blue subscription.

Musk is obviously not going to change his mind on the “X” name because of this call-out from King. However, perhaps Musk will reply and provide King with some sort of counter offer like he did the last time. Maybe King, and only King, will be able to keep his profile URL if and when Musk ever gets around to finally moving the site to the domain name entirely?