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Why is Michelle Williams narrating Britney Spears’s audiobook?

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Michelle Williams is the narrator for the audiobook version of Britney Spears’s memoir “The Woman in Me,” and it’s the best way to experience this new book.
Michelle Williams and Britney Spears at red carpet events.

On its surface, it seems absurd that five-time Academy Award-nominee Michelle Williams is the narrator for the audiobook version of Britney Spears’s new memoir The Woman in Me. Already the internet is giddy over audio excerpts in which Williams, in a cool and collected tone, imitates Justin Timberlake’s try-hard ’00s patter of “Oh yeah, fo’ shizz fo’ shizz.” And rightly so. It’s magic.

More than that, it’s the kind of cultural collision that seems so inexplicable that you might expect it to be a joke, like when AI was used to make the long-dead Johnny Cash do a rendition of “Barbie Girl.” But there’s something slyly sophisticated about selecting Williams to be the voice of Britney’s story. She brings a protective layer to a tale that could feel too tabloid-y in the wrong hands, as well as the natural versatility of a stage and screen actor called to switch between characters as needed. Williams takes her role as narrator as seriously as anything she’s done in her career, from Spielberg’s beloved mother in The Fablemans to the heartbreak of Brokeback Mountain or Blue Valentine. By paying respect to Spears with her performance, she urges her audience to do the same. 

What is The Woman in Me about? 

The cover of Britney Spears' "The Woman in Me."

Credit: Simon & Schuster Audio

In a nutshell, Spears’s memoir begins with her childhood in Louisiana and takes the reader through her mega-stardom in the 2000s, her 13 years under the tyrannical conservatorship of her father’s making, and into her post- #FreeBritney era. Despite the sprawl, you don’t need to be a Spears fanatic to appreciate The Woman in Me. 

Admittedly, it helps if you’ve got an embattled nostalgia for the early ’00s, when she was the unquestioned Princess of Pop with NSYNC’s Justin Timberlake as her double-denim prince. That makes passages where she recalls styles as being “so pimp” hit with a mix of cringe and whimsy. But whether you’re interested in the gossip, the Timberlake takedown, or the hype, you need to snag the audiobook rather than a physical copy. Michelle Williams demands it, with a silky smooth delivery that softens the rough edges of this managed memoir. 

How come Michelle Williams is reading the book, not Britney herself? 

Michelle Williams attends the 'Blue Valentine' photo-call during the 63rd Cannes Film Festival on May 18, 2010 in Cannes, France

Michelle Williams attends the “Blue Valentine” photo-call during the 63rd Cannes Film Festival on May 18, 2010 in Cannes, France
Credit: Andrea Raffin / Shutterstock

In the Audible introduction for The Woman in Me, Spears offers an author’s note, which she does read herself. The pop icon’s breathy baby voice says: 

“This book has been a labor of love and all the emotions that come with it. Reliving everything you’re about to hear has been exciting, heart-wrenching, and emotional to say the least. For those reasons, I will only be reading a small part of my audiobook. I’m so grateful to the amazing Michelle Williams, for reading the rest of it — and to you for listening.” 

Spears also reads the opening dedication and the prologue, which introduces her love of singing and her fear of her father, wrapped in a memory of her childhood. She speaks quickly and sincerely, her voice a breathy tremble. Then, Williams’s voice takes over, strong and calm: “Chapter One.” 

Though the memoir is sprinkled with name-drops (Ryan Gosling! Steven Tyler! Robin Williams!), Michelle Williams will not get another mention in The Woman in Me. Perhaps the two are friends. Maybe Williams can relate to Britney’s journey, as she too was a teen star in the same heady window of Total Request Live, boy-band dominance, and the rampant and misogynistic fat-shaming that afflicted young female celebrities. These are just a few of the explosive topics the memoir touches on, though one of the few things it doesn’t reveal is exactly how Williams came to be its voice. Regardless, whoever made the call to cast the acclaimed indie darling deserves a raise and a major award, because the book wouldn’t read the same without her. 

The Woman in Me is a clear yet captivating compromise. 

WEST HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA - JULY 18: Protest signs at the #FreeBritney March starting in Plummer Park on July 18, 2021 in West Hollywood, California. The group is calling for an end to the 13-year conservatorship lead by the pop star's father, Jamie Spears and Jodi Montgomery, who have control over her finances and business dealings.

Credit: Rodin Eckenroth/Getty Image

When it comes to family, Spears’s memoir is raw. She opens up about her father’s allegedly abusive behavior, her ruined relationship with younger sister Jamie Lynn Spears (“a total bitch”), and the callous reprimands from her mother. As both her mother and sister have written tell-all books about her, there’s a righteous sense of reclamation in these sections.

Williams easily handles lines like “We laughed our fannies off” or “The timing was un-fucking-believable,” allowing us to hear Spears’s natural writing style and sense of humor through the actress’s measured performance. By contrast, when showering praise over past collaborators, be they photographers or music video directors, the language used feels polished by publicists — much more aware of its audience. 

While the book marks Spears officially stepping back into the spotlight, presumably on her own terms, it’s certainly a group endeavor (as opposed to her Instagram, where anything can happen). Many celebrity books have input from editors, fact-checkers, legal teams, and ghostwriters. Yet The Woman in Me feels over-managed to the extent that it’s meant to reframe her story without burning too many bridges; gratitude is expressed clearly, uncluttered by curse words or slang, but without the pop star’s singular voice behind it.

There will be no knife-dances here today, folks — just enough bite to draw a little bit of blood from sacrificial lamb Justin Timberlake. These shifts in tone can be jarring, but that’s where Williams is most effective; she’s soothing and soft while confident, lending a sort of coherence to the most PR-speak declaratives. In her hands, Britney the media-trained celebrity and Britney the giddy country momma come together into one complicated (if compromised) portrait. 

Michelle Williams demands the public take Britney seriously. 

Pop star BRITNEY SPEARS & boyfriend NSync star JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE at party in West Hollywood for the launch of NSync's new album Celebrity.

Credit: Featureflash Photo Agency

Sometimes memoirs read by the author can provide a sense of solace in their reflection; the calm tone of someone who survived the tragedy they are unfurling suggests there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. As Spears says herself in the prologue, she’s not there quite yet. So, the coolness of Williams’s reading of The Woman in Me gives consolation to the listener, completing the journey of radical acceptance that Spears is actively pursuing in the book’s final chapters. 

This is not to say that Williams is monotone or NPR-mellow throughout. Her meditative pacing speeds up as she gently imitates Timberlake or Mariah Carey or an excitable exec eager to sell Britney on his company. She hits every name-drop with a slight smile, each punchline with the hint of a smirk. But notably, Williams’s poised approach makes moments where Spears vents her (justified) anger all the more hard-hitting. “They watched Criminal Fucking Minds on the couch every night. Who does that?” Spears sneers of her parents, and Williams’s lips seem to curl in a sneer, inviting us into the outrage and hurt — as if we were more than fans or listeners but within Britney’s inner circle. 

Where Williams’s voice proves the most powerful is in the moments that tabloids will likely relish most. Spears does not shy away from spilling the tea of her exes. While Colin Farrell comes off lovely and lusty, and others go by warmly remembered but unnamed, she has plenty to say about ex-husband Kevin Federline (“bless his heart”) and her first love, Justin Timberlake. 

The internet has already gawped at the revelation that Spears had his abortion, but listening to Williams explain how he played guitar at Spears while she experienced horrendous cramping on a bathroom floor is astounding. The details alone are shocking, but Williams — with that concentrated calm — lays it all out so matter-of-factly that it’s not treated like a sordid spectacle. It’s a vivid moment that shaped and shamed a young woman, especially when the only person who shared it with her turned on her to promote his solo album. 

William brings the gravitas of an Oscar-nominated actress to every moment of this memoir. It’s not that she’s playing the rattling emotion that Spears must have felt then. The book isn’t written with that kind of splashy emotional explosion. Instead, Williams reads the memoir like the diary of a loved one, giving space for the reflection and respect to the undercurrent of psychological trauma that surged beneath Spears’s practiced smile, which often was her first line of defense. 

At 288 pages (or five hours and 31 minutes), The Woman in Me is a short book for such a storied life, but it offers plenty of food for thought. Spears and Williams see to that. 

The Woman in Me is available on Audible.

Tech / Technology

TikTokkers say their friends aren’t texting back. Why?

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Friendship experts explain why friends may not text back and what to do about it.
back of person surrounded by text bubbles

“Does anybody else have a friend who texts you like they’re famous i.e. they don’t?” asked TikTokker Bel (@khaibellamy) in a video with over 3 million likes and 12 million views.

In the video, Bel goes on to describe how this friend doesn’t reply despite sending them multiple texts and calls — including a joke voicemail about American Idol Season 7 runner-up David Archuleta holding her family hostage. No response.

Bel isn’t alone; the comments on the video are from people on both ends of this, and there are many videos like this on the platform that discuss a lack of communication between friends. Though Bel didn’t respond to Mashable’s request for comment, we spoke to friendship experts about why this happens, and what to do about it.

Why isn’t my friend texting me back?

There are many reasons why someone isn’t communicating, despite what it looks like. “It’s important to acknowledge that what’s tricky is that the symptoms of a friend who doesn’t care and the symptoms of a friend who is not equipped can sometimes look the same,” Bumble for Friends friendship expert Danielle Bayard Jackson told Mashable. 

“Not responding is something a person might do if they’re not interested,” she said, “but it’s also something a person might do if they’re overwhelmed, if texting isn’t their thing, if they get anxiety from texting, if they feel frazzled knowing exactly the right thing to say on the spot and respond in a timely manner.”

“Some people find it harder than others to have a balance when they feel overwhelmed with work situations or personal issues, they can easily become disconnected from their phone,” agreed clinical and educational psychologist at E-HEALTH Project, Aura De Los Santos.

Not responding is something a person might do if they’re not interested but it’s also something a person might do if they’re overwhelmed.

– Danielle Bayard Jackson, Bumble for Friends

Other reasons Jackson cited are that their notifications can be too much; if the friend has social anxiety about saying the right thing; and the potential mental toll of the messages. For example, if you’re sending a string of TikToks, your friend might see it as homework to watch them when they’re busy with something else.

Another example, which you might have used yourself, is asking if they’re free to hang out this weekend. Though it’s a seemingly casual question, the response may not be easy for everyone; for Jackson, she’d have to check her young children’s schedules and coordinate with her husband, which takes time.

“Just because the format of a text is simple, it doesn’t mean the mental labor expected on the receiver’s end is simple,” she said. 

It’s also possible that they have trouble responding in a timely manner due to ADHD or another condition; there are many variables within every friendship.

Though convenient, smartphones have engendered a culture where everyone is expected to be available all the time. But contrary to these expectations, friends may not be in a place (physically or emotionally) to instantly respond, said Los Angeles-based psychotherapist Layne BakerSome friends may just not like texting, Baker continued, and that’s OK. They may have different communication preferences, like enjoying chatting over the phone or FaceTime, or meeting up in-person instead. (As for group chats? That’s a whole different ballgame, and one people might feel other forms of guilt or fatigue from.)

There’s another possibility that could be harder to face, however. It could be true that a friend has stopped texting because their interest is waning or that the relationship is fading. Not responding to messages can be a way to end a friendship without telling the other person, said De Los Santos. 

“Sometimes we think that friendships are forever, when this is not the case,” she continued. “One of the parties wants to distance themselves, where they no longer want to have ties with that person, so they don’t take the time to respond and ignore the messages.”

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What should I do if my friend isn’t texting me?

Friendships need to be worked on just like any other relationship, said De Los Santos. Jackson recommends communicating with your friend (try another approach like a different platform, calling, or possibly in person if they’re not responding to texts) and asking what’s best for them. They may not be direct in telling you what’s bothering them; maybe texting overwhelms them, and they just want to see you in person.

Look at your own attachment style as well, Jackson said. Attachment styles don’t just impact romantic relationships! If you’re more anxious leaning, for example, you may text more frequently. Ask yourself what meaning you assign when someone doesn’t text you back, and where that meaning may come from.

“Some of it is on us and our interpretation on the person not getting back,” Jackson continued. “Understanding attachment style helps us manage expectations and recalibrate emotionally.”

Both Jackson and Baker recommend zooming out (figuratively) and “taking a mountain view” of your friendship. Texting is likely just one element of it. Ask yourself:

  • Does your friendship feel healthy otherwise?

  • Does this friend support you?

  • Do you trust them?

  • Is there other tangible evidence that your friend loves you and is invested?

“If the answer is yes, try taking a closer look at why not receiving texts (or texts back) is causing you discomfort,” said Baker. Don’t conflate a lack of response with the notion that they don’t care about you, Jackson added. If you’re really struggling, you could try journaling or seek out a therapist if possible.

In some cases, however, this could be a sign that the friendship has run its course. 

“Relationships [need] work, and if you are the only person who writes and tries to get closer, but that friend never makes the effort, you can stop writing and understand that the friendship fulfilled its purpose,” said De Los Santos. 

If the friendship isn’t serving you — as in your friend isn’t supportive or doesn’t respect your boundaries, it may be time to end the friendship (we’ve written a guide for you if it comes to that). A friendship breakup can be just as devastating (if not more) than a romantic one; here’s how to cope with a friendship ending, if it comes to that.

It’s understandable to want a text back. These days, that may be the primary way of communicating with your friend. But know there are a multitude of explanations why — and this may be better talked out IRL.

Tech / Technology

The White House announces an executive order on AI regulation — how ChatGPT and its ilk are affected

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The White House just announced an executive order on AI regulation, which means major players like Open AI, Google, Microsoft and other prominent AI players must abide by the new legislation.
President Biden speaking at a podium

The White House just announced a thunderous executive order tackling AI regulation. These directives are the “strongest set of actions any government in the world has ever taken” to protect how AI affects American citizens, according to White House Deputy Chief of Staff Bruce Reed.

The Biden administration has been working on plans to regulate the untethered AI industry. The order builds on the Biden-Harris blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights as well as voluntary commitments from 15 leading tech companies to work with the government for safe and responsible AI development.

Instead of waiting for Congress to pass its own legislation, the White House is storming ahead with an executive order to mitigate AI risks while capitalizing on its potential. With the widespread use of generative AI like ChatGPT, the urgency to harness AI is real.

White House AI executive order: 10 key provisions you need to know

What does the executive order look like? And how will it affect AI companies? Here’s what you need to know.

1. Developers of powerful AI systems (e.g., OpenAI, Google and Microsoft) must share the results of their safety tests with the federal government

In other words, while a prominent AI company is training its model, it is required to share the results of red-team safety tests before they are released to the public. (A red team is a group of people that test the security and safety of a digital entity by posing as malicious actors.)

According to a senior administration official, the order focuses on future generations of AI models, not current consumer-facing tools like ChatGPT. Furthermore, companies that would be required to share safety results are those that meet the highest threshold of computing performance. “[The threshold] is not going to catch AI systems trained by graduate students or even professors. This is really catching the most powerful systems in the world,” said the official.

2. Red-team testing will be held to high standards set by the National Institute of Standards and Technology

Homeland Security and the Departments of Energy will also work together to determine whether AI systems pose certain risks in the realm of cybersecurity as well as our chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear infrastructure.

3. Address the safety of AI players using models for science and biology-related projects

New standards for “biosynthesis screening” are in the works to protect against “dangerous biological materials” engineered by AI.

4. AI-generated content must be watermarked

The Department of Commerce will roll out guidance for ensuring all AI-generated content — audio, imagery, video, and text — is labeled as such. This will allow Americans to determine which content is created by a non-human entity, making it easier to identify deceptive deepfakes.

5. Continue building upon the ‘AI Cyber Challenge’

For the uninitiated, the AI Cyber Challenge is a Biden administration initiative that seeks to establish a high-level cybersecurity program that strengthens the security of AI tools, ensuring that vulnerabilities are fixed.

6. Lean on Congress to pass “bipartisan data privacy legislation”

The executive order is a message to Congress to speed things up. Biden is calling on lawmakers to ensure that Americans’ privacy is protected while prominent AI players train their models. Children’s privacy will be a primary focus.

7. Dig into companies’ data policies.

The White House says that it will evaluate how agencies and third-party data brokers collect and use “commercially available” information, meaning public datasets. Some “personally identifiable” data is available to the public, but that doesn’t mean AI players have free rein to use this information.

8. Tamp down on discrimination exacerbated by AI

Guidance will be rolled out to landlords, federal contractors, and more to reduce the possibility of bias. On top of that, the government will introduce best practices to address discrimination in AI algorithms. Plus, the Biden administration will address the usage of AI in sentencing regarding the criminal justice system.

9. Attract top global talent

As of today, the site has a portal for applicants seeking AI fellowships and job opportunities in the U.S. government. The order also seeks to update visa criteria for immigrants with AI expertise.

10. Support workers vulnerable to AI developments

The Biden administration will support workers’ collective bargaining influence by developing principles and best practices to protect workers against potential harms like surveillance, job replacement, and discrimination. The order also announced plans to produce a report on AI’s potential for disrupting labor markets.

Mashable will be down in D.C. to get more information about how the new AI executive order will affect major players like Open AI, Google, and Microsoft as well as the average American citizen. Stay tuned for our coverage on this matter.