Tech / Technology

Meet the people spending $4,000 to travel with their favorite creators

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How creator-led trips through Trova Trip work, and why YouTubers and their fans go on them.
An illustrated group of people shaded in blue with woman posing in color in the center with a dollar sign.

A YouTube vlog shows a group of twentysomething women on a food tour of Mykonos, Greece. They eat sugar-coated kourabiedes cookies, take shots of ouzo, walk the narrow streets ducking into eateries, and share laughs over a charcuterie board. But this is not your average girls trip. 

The women in the video paid to travel to Greece with their favorite YouTuber, Maddie Dragsbaek. Dragsbaek posted the video, titled “I traveled to Italy and Greece with 40 of my subscribers.” She’s one of a growing number of creators who have made traveling with their audiences into a lucrative endeavor of its own.

While you once might have enviously watched an influencer’s vlog or swiped through photos of her sponsored trip and then jealously planned your own (which would never quite compare), now you can pay for a trip together. The experience lives both on her feed and yours, and in your memories. 

For creators, it’s “a no-brainer”

Dragsbaek’s trip is one of 500 creator-led trips operated by travel company Trova Trip this year — nearly 200 more than in 2022. Founded in 2017 by Lauren Schneider, Trova Trip is a three-sided marketplace that helps connect creators with travel operators in more than 40 countries. Creators, called hosts by Trova Trip, sell trips to their audiences through the platform for an average of $2,000 to $4,000, though the prices go up to $12,000 for an Antartica trip, airfare not included.

To host a travel experience through Trova Trip, a creator first sends out a survey to their audience. They are eligible to host a trip if their community demonstrates interest — for Trova Trip, that means at least 50 responses from adults with budgets of over $2,000 for the experience. Currently, Trova Trip is the only company specializing in creator-led travel, although more traditional creator-led travel, like yoga retreats, have existed for a while, and some creators have planned one-off trips via other companies. “[Based on the survey results] our platform provides recommendations of itineraries that match their audience interests. We have a wide range of experiences, from backpacking in Patagonia to practicing yoga in Bali to eating food in Japan,” explained Schneider. 

Once the creator picks an itinerary, their request must be approved by the local operator of the trip. Then Trova Trip provides the operating cost, and the creator sets the price and sells it to their audience.

The trips range in price depending on location, with the final price set by the creator. “We trust our creators to decide their earnings based on what they believe is best for them and their community,” Lauren Schneider, the founder of Trova Trip, explained to Mashable. “On average, they’re taking about 20 percent of the total trip price.” 60 percent goes to the trip operators, and Trova Trip takes the remaining cut. 

According to Trova Trip, around 700 creators have hosted trips so far. Hosts have spanned from Love Is Blind‘s Kwame and Chelsea to Cassie and Danielle of the National Park After Dark podcast (they’re the ones going to Antarctica). Hosts have access to 150+ itineraries. And the hosts are just that; the trip operators provide tour guides and manage on-the-ground logistics.

When Trova Trip reached out to Dragsbaek to gauge her interest in hosting a trip for her 233,000 subscribers, saying yes was a no-brainer, Dragsbaek told Mashable. “It’s such a strange and unique opportunity that I had to do it,” she continued. “Not only was I getting to meet the people that support my content face to face, but I was able to meet them in a meaningful way by spending a good amount of time traveling together.”

Dragsbaek’s 7-day Greece trip cost a whopping $3,350. The price included a double room with another trip attendee, six breakfasts, two dinners, shuttle service to and from Athens airport, transport to and from Mykonos, and planned activities like a visit to the Parthenon. It did not include attendees’ air fare. 

Despite the steep price, Dragsbaek’s fans were eager to attend.

“I can’t not do this”

In 2020, during a spell of quarantine-induced boredom, Amanda Layne Miller turned to YouTube. An outfit video from Dragsbaek popped up on her homepage and she clicked. “Literally the algorithm just fed it to me,” Miller told Mashable. “I started binging literally every single one of her videos. I felt like I had a lot in common with her.”

Miller found Dragsbaek authentic, conversational, and funny. “The way that she speaks is so personal that I got to know her through her opinions and what she loves,” she explained. 

So when Miller caught wind that Dragsbaek was hosting a trip to Greece in June 2023 for up to 20 of her subscribers, Miller jumped at the opportunity. “I thought, I’ve always wanted to go to Greece. It’s with one of my favorite YouTubers. I think we’d get along, and I want to be friends with her. I can’t not do this,” she said. 

Similarly, several years ago Cari Cakes, an American creator living in Seoul, was recommended on YouTube to Katie Giordano, a 25-year-old media worker in Hong Kong. Giordano became a fan of both Cakes’s travel content and book tube. “Her whole demeanor is so relaxing. I don’t know if that’s weird, but she’s just very calm and realistic,” Giordano explained to Mashable. This past May, Giordano went on Cakes’s trip to Tokyo. “Everybody was a little bit like Cari in a certain way,” she said. “They were all really nice, accepting, and eager and open-minded. Cari attracts niceness, because that is her own aura.”

The inevitable complications when creators meet their fans

These trips seem like a recipe for an Ingrid Goes West situation — a group of people all hoping to become friends with someone they feel like they already know from watching them online for years. But for Dragsbaek, the unique relationship broke down walls between attendees and her. “It’s hard to even describe when you’re talking to someone, and [they’re] a stranger, but you immediately feel understood by them. And it’s because they already know so much about you,” she explained.

While there is the possibility for immediate connection between creator and traveler, creators, who lead and profit from the trip with their followers, could easily act as though they are above the travelers. Followers, who have watched these creators often for years, may fall into overt fan-girling.

Morgan Yates, a 28-year-old lifestyle YouTuber in Los Angeles, California, who has hosted three trips — two through Trova Trip — dealt with overzealous travelers. One made it clear she knew basically every detail of Yates’s life. Others were “clingy.” “It becomes a difficult situation because I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings by trying to get away from them, but at times I’ve felt a bit conflicted and frustrated when those people are only making an effort to spend time with me and not get to know everyone else,” she told Mashable.

There are some safety mechanisms in place to help keep overtly dangerous fans off trips. “Hosts have the ability to review or reject a traveler, they control how and who the trip is marketed to, so they could list it in the marketplace or they can only send it to vetted folks,” said Amy Dunn, communications lead at Trova Trip. 

The first trip Yates hosted was through Contiki, a tour company she’d previously been a traveler with, and due to their privacy policy, Yates wasn’t allowed to access any info on the travelers on her trip ahead of time which made her “super nervous,” despite it ending up being a “great group.”

An exercise in managing expectations

Despite going on these trips to meet their favorite creator, travelers are expected to behave as travelers might on any group trip. But this can be a challenge.

“It’s easier to develop a parasocial relationship with a YouTuber, because their art is literally just them,” said Miller. She acknowledged the potential for weird behavior and for travelers to overwhelm Dragsbaek because everyone wanted to develop a connection with her. “I was excited to get to know her as a person and actually have a relationship with her further than just audience and subject.”

You might imagine that as soon as Dragsbaek left the room, all the travelers would immediately begin discussing her and comparing her to her videos. But it wasn’t quite like that. The travelers all being huge fans of Dragsbaek was “the elephant in the room” until the middle of the week, said Miller. “Someone finally said, ‘I feel like, we all came here to like become friends with Maddie to a certain extent.”

When Giordano arrived in Tokyo and met Cakes, she felt like she was meeting a celebrity. “When I first met her, I said, ‘You look like a woodland fairy.’ She’s got the beautiful red hair. She’s literally so gorgeous,” said Giordano. “The first few days I was like, ‘Oh my gosh, she’s so cool.’ But it toned down throughout the trip.”

While Giordano was struck by Cakes’s real-life beauty — and by how slow Cakes talks, because Giordano watches YouTube at double speed — the person she met was exactly how she thought she would be. “I got a good idea of how she was as a person, because she’s very open and honest on her YouTube channel,” explained Giordano. 

Travelers’ expectations aren’t just something they have to manage. The creators are hyper-aware of whether or not they are living up to the persona in their content. Jade Fox, a 32-year-old lifestyle creator YouTuber in Los Angeles, California, worried about her ability to meet expectations ahead of the trip she hosted to Bali with her best friend and fellow creator Arrows this summer. “I’m used to the process of capturing myself exactly the way I want to. People are used to seeing a very curated, edited version of me,” Fox told Mashable. “I was nervous about disappointing folks.”

Yates faces similar anxieties on her trips. “I almost have imposter syndrome going into these trips. I know I’m not any cooler or more special than anyone else there. My fear is always that I’m not living up to what people expected me to be like,” she explained.

“It felt like summer camp”

All the hours of anecdotes Miller and Giordano watched led them to fly across the world to meet their favorite YouTubers, which can make for a lot of pressure. But creators have the capacity to create a community that reflects the content they’ve put out there, and that can lead to incredibly meaningful trips. 

“I was nervous if that [connection between creator and audience] was going to exist in real life, as it does in the comment section. When we met in person it was almost as if we had all already known each other for years,” said Fox. “I’m a Black queer woman. Arrows is a transmasculine, nonbinary queer person, and our audience is just different iterations of that.” 

The group’s shared identities provided a touch point for connection. “We are a giant pack of Black people; some of us are gender-fluid. And we’re going into a city where we don’t know how we’re going to be perceived, we don’t know what’s going to happen. A lot of us had never been out of the country before,” explained Fox. “That was another way that we were all able to protect each other, because we all know what violence looks like toward people who have experiences like ours.”

Fox described the trip as “spiritual,” “a fully immersive experience,” and “kismet.” By the end, travelers were getting tattoos to commemorate the experience and changing their flights home to spend more time with each other. The most magical moment for Fox came on their chill day by the pool when one of the travelers taught her how to swim. “It was this big Disney Channel moment. When I finished my first full lap, I lifted my head out of the water and everyone was just screaming and going crazy,” reminisced Fox. 

Miller also felt moved by the end of Dragsbaek’s trip. “The last night is when we’re all like, ‘We know each other really well’ and wishing it was the first day. It felt like summer camp,” said Miller. “I was like, ‘Whoa, like, I’m an adult. And I have not been in this type of environment since high school.'”

For some, it’s just another hustle

For creators with a smaller audience who might not be sought after for brand sponsorships, a Trova Trip venture can provide more money than a brand sponsorship. So, while Fox and Dragsbaek created meaningful connections with their audiences, there’s the potential from others to treat the travel game like a full-time hustle.

Lindsay Mukkadam, a 37-year-old based in Austin, Texas, who posts under the moniker “One Girl Wandering,” pivoted from being a solo travel creator to making her business about encouraging her audience to get out and travel by coming on one of her trips. Her Instagram bio labels her as “Your solo travel bff! Stop waiting for others and finally book the trip of your dreams,” and in this year alone, she’s hosted trips to Costa Rica, Iceland, Scotland, two to Japan, and two to the Amalfi Coast. By the end of the year she’ll host two trips to Egypt, and two to Christmas markets in Germany and Austria. A slew of her 2024 trips are already being promoted. 

Others, like Danah Clipa, @danahbananaa on TikTok, refuse to, as they see it, take advantage of their followers by making them pay to join them on travel adventures. In a since-deleted video, Clipa explained that she canceled her Trova Trip because it would be free for her at the expense of her followers. “If I’m inviting someone to travel out of the country with me,” said Clipa, “I want them to feel on the same level as me, because we are — we are the exact fucking same.” 

Tech / Technology

Best travel deals Nov. 2023: Cruise fares and Universal tickets

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This week, book cheap trips to Europe through Priceline and score cruise fares up to 50% off.
Blue Samsonite hardside suitcase with flower pot in background

UPDATE: Nov. 3, 2023, 5:00 a.m. EDT This post is updated weekly with the latest travel deals on flights, cruises, theme parks, and more.

Best travel deals this week:

Best flight deal

GoWild! All You Can Fly fall and winter pass

Unlimited flights between Sept. 2 and Feb. 29 2024 for a one-time purchase of $299

Frontier Airlines logo on white background

Best cruise deal

Celebrity Cruises

40% off all cruises

Navy blue Celebrity Cruises logo on white background

Best hotel deal

Kimpton Hotels and Restaurants

Up to 20% off three or more nights when booked by Dec. 31

Kimpton Hotels and Restaurants logo on white background

Best luggage deal

American Tourister

30% off select styles

American Tourister logo on white background

Best experience deal

Universal Orlando

Two days free with a two-park, three-day ticket

Blue Universal Orlando logo on white background

We all follow those people on Instagram who are somehow always on vacation. We don’t know their life story, but we’d be willing to bet they didn’t pay full price for that excursion — they just planned strategically. We’re keeping track of the best flight, train, luggage, and hotel deals below to help you do the same. Now get outta here.


Why we like it

The cold weather version of Frontier’s internet-breaking summer pass unlocks unlimited flights to both domestic and international Frontier destinations between Sept. 2 and Feb. 29, 2024, for a one-time fee of $299. Frontier serves more than 100 airports across the U.S., Mexico, the Caribbean, and Latin America, with new locations frequently being added to the lineup. This is cheaper than even the summer pass’ debut price of $399 and its long-term sale price of $499.

Frontier also dropped a monthly pass that’s free for the first month (aside from a $49 enrollment fee) and renews for $149 monthly after that. Your unlimited monthly pass begins the day you purchase it and runs for 30 days each period. Be sure to read the fine print before snagging any of the tickets.

More flight deals

  • PLAY — $99 flights from BWI, BOS, SWF, and IAD to Iceland, Paris, Copenhagen, London, Dublin, Berlin, Athens, Frankfurt, and Amsterdam when booked by Nov. 3

  • Southwest — one-way fares as low as $89 including Thanksgiving

Trains, cruises, and rental cars

Navy blue Celebrity Cruises logo on white background

Credit: Celebrity Cruises

Why we like it

If you need a sign to book that cruise you’ve been talking about taking since last year, Celebrity Cruise Line’s current offering of 40% off all guests on all trips is that sign. The Bahamas, Grand Cayman, Saint Kitts, Italy, Greece, France, Spain, and more Caribbean and European destinations are all options, and depending on the itinerary, you can sail for as long as 13 nights or take a quick three-night getaway.

More train, cruise, and rental car deals

  • American Airlines — save up to 35% on rental car base rates

  • Amtrak — save up to 60% on eight tickets to various destinations, up to 50% on Northeast trips, up to 15% on California and Virginia trips, and more

  • Norwegian Cruise Line — save 70% on a second guest’s fare plus a free unlimited open bar, $50 off-shore excursions, and more

  • Priceline — save 30% or more when you bundle a flight with a Hilton hotel

  • Princess Cruises — save up to 50% on fares and deposits

Theme park deals

Blue Universal Orlando logo on white background

Credit: Universal Studios

Our pick: Universal Orlando

Two days free with a two-park, three-day ticket

Why we like it

Vacation doesn’t feel like vacation when you’re trying to cram a theme park’s full glory into a few short days. You can add three full days at Universal to your trip for free when you purchase tickets for two days (as long as they’re all consecutive). That’s five days for the price of two, so you can really take your time between Universal and Islands of Adventure — or even devote a whole day to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. You’d still have to buy separate tickets (starting at $84.99) to Halloween Horror Nights, but the money you’re saving with this deal basically secures those for free.

More experience deals

  • Busch Gardens — save 35% on single day tickets or $70 on two park tickets plus Tampa or save up to 60% on tickets at Williamsburg

  • Hersheypark — save up to 35% on Hersheypark Christmas Candylane presale tickets or up to 50% on fall weekend tickets


Our pick: Kimpton Hotels and Restaurants

Up to 20% off three or more nights when booked by Dec. 31

Why we like it

Quick weekend excursions are society’s sanity staples — but sometimes, you deserve more. If you didn’t get to take that long trip this summer, Kimpton’s extended “Stay Longer and Save” promo is your nudge to get away before 2024. Through Dec. 31, you can save between 15% and 20% on stays three nights or longer at a ton of stylish participating Kimpton locations across the U.S.

If a one or two-night trip is in the cards, however, you can also save up to 20% off the best flexible rate when you book at least seven days in advance.

More hotel deals

  • B Hotels and Resorts Orlando — save up to 25% on stays of two or more nights when booked by Dec. 20

  • Casa de Sierra Nevada — stay three nights and get a fourth night free through Dec. 15

  • The Grove Resort & Waterpark Orlando — 20% off stays through Sept. 3, 2024 when booked by Nov. 19, 2023

  • Hamilton Princess and Beach Club Bermuda — save 15% on two nights, 20% off three or four nights, or 25% on five or more nights when you book by March 24, 2024, and stay before April 30, 2024

  • Hampton Inn — save up to 17% on the Best Available Rate when you book at least seven days in advance

  • JetBlue — save up to 20% on hotels if you have a JetBlue flight

  • Marriott — save up to 20% on hotel and flight bundles to select destinations

  • Priceline — save up to 15% on European destinations when you book through the app with code EUROESCAPE, plus save up to 40% on hotel and flight bundles for Europe vacations

  • Red Roof Inn — save an extra 15% on your stay with Redi Rewards

  • Sonesta — save up to 30% when you book two or more nights with code SAVEMORE

  • Walt Disney World — save up to 25% on stays most Sunday to Thursday nights from Jan. 9 through Feb. 22, 2024 when you book by Dec. 15, 2023


American Tourister logo on white background

Credit: American Tourister

Why we like it

Still putting up with your suitcase’s busted wheel? Longstanding luggage icon American Tourister’s extended site-wide Labor Day sale is your excuse to finally replace it. Save up to 30% on hardside and softside spinners, carry-ons, garment bags, and more.

More luggage deals

  • Bagail — save up to 40% on packing cubes in select colors

  • Béis — save 10% on a luggage set of two or 15% on a luggage set of three

  • Calpak — save up to 60% on select best sellers

  • Delsey — 40% off select pieces from the Paris collection

  • Herschel — save up to 30% on Forever Classics

  • Kohl’s — save up to 50% on suitcases from Kenneth Cole Reaction, London Fog, Rockland, and more

  • Macy’s — save up to 60% on Bric’s Milano, DKNY, Jansport, and more

  • Mark & Graham — save up to 50% on select personalized totes, handbags, travel pouches, and more

  • Paravel — save 20% on a set of two Aviator suitcases or 30% on a set of three

  • Samsonite — save 30% on select styles

  • TravelPro — save up to 20% sitewide

  • Tumi — save up to 20% on select styles

  • Walmart — save up to 50% on hardside luggage sets from Sunbee and Travelhouse

Tech / Technology

White House announces new AI initiatives at Global Summit on AI Safety

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Vice President Kamala Harris will reveal the US government’s new AI initiatives to advance the safe and responsible use of AI.
Vice President Kamala Harris delivers remarks about the Biden Administration's work to regulate artificial intelligence during an event in the East Room of the White House on October 30, 2023 in Washington, DC.

Vice President Kamala Harris will outline several new AI initiatives today, laying out the US government’s plans to advance the safe and responsible use of machine learning technology. We already know what many of them will be.

The White House previously announced an executive order on AI regulation earlier this week, with the intention to protect US citizens from the potential harm the technology can cause. It is now building further on this order, aiming to position itself as a global leader in ensuring AI is developed and used in the public interest internationally.

Currently in London to attend the Global Summit on AI Safety, Harris is scheduled to deliver her live-streamed speech on the US’ approach to AI at approximately 1:35 p.m. GMT / 9:35 a.m. ET.

“Just as AI has the potential to do profound good, it also has the potential to cause profound harm, from AI-enabled cyber-attacks at a scale beyond anything we have seen before to AI-formulated bioweapons that could endanger the lives of millions,” Harris said in an excerpt from her prepared speech. “These threats are often referred to as the ‘existential threats of AI,’ because they could endanger the very existence of humanity.”

“So, the urgency of this moment must compel us to create a collective vision of what this future must be. A future where AI is used to advance human rights and human dignity; where privacy is protected and people have equal access to opportunity; where we make our democracies stronger and our world safer. A future where AI is used to advance the public interest.”

Here are the new announcements and government initiatives Harris will reveal.

1. The US is establishing a United States AI Safety Institute

The US government is establishing a United States AI Safety Institute (US AISI), which will be part of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Created through the Department of Commerce, the US AISI will be responsible for applying the NIST’s AI Risk Management Framework, developing benchmarks, best practices, and technical guidance to mitigate the risks of AI. These will then be used by regulators when developing or enforcing rules. The US AISI will also collaborate with similar institutions internationally.

2. The first draft of policy guidance for the US government’s use of AI is being made available for public comment

The US government is publishing the first draft of its policy guidance on its use of AI, with the public invited to comment. Released through the Office of Management and Budget, this policy is intended to outline tangible steps for the responsible use of AI by the US, and builds on previous guidance such as the NIST’s AI Risk Management Framework. The policy is intended for application across a wide range of departments, including health, law enforcement, and immigration, and requires that federal departments monitor the risks of AI, consult the public regarding its use, and provide an avenue of appeal to those harmed by it. 

You can read the draft policy and submit your comments here.

3. 30 nations have joined the Political Declaration on the Responsible Military Use of Artificial Intelligence and Autonomy

The US made its Political Declaration on the Responsible Use of Artificial Intelligence and Autonomy in February, establishing standards for the lawful, responsible use and development of military AI. This included the requirement that it comply with international humanitarian law. Interestingly, a specific goal of the Political Declaration is to preserve nations’ “right to self-defense,” as well as their ability to develop and use AI for the military.

Thirty other nations have now endorsed this Declaration as well, specifically Albania, Australia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kosovo, Latvia, Liberia, Malawi, Montenegro, Morocco, North Macedonia, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the UK.

4. 10 foundations have pledged over $200 million for public interest AI initiatives

Ten foundations are collectively committing over $200 million to fund AI initiatives intended to further the best interests of the global public — specifically workers, consumers, communities, and historically marginalised people. The foundations are also creating a funders’ network, which will coordinate such giving with the specific aim of supporting AI work that protects democracy and rights, drives innovation in the public interest, empowers workers amidst the changes being brought about by AI, improves accountability, or supports international rules regarding AI.

The 10 foundations involved are the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Democracy Fund, the Ford Foundation, Heising-Simons Foundation, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Kapor Foundation, Mozilla Foundation, Omidyar Network, Open Society Foundations, and the Wallace Global Fund.

5. The US government will hold a hackathon to find a solution to scam AI robocalls 

The US government will host a virtual hackathon with the goal to build AI models which can detect and block robocalls and robotexts that can be used to scam people. The hackathon will have a particular focus on calls that use AI-generated voices.

6. The US is calling for international authentication standards for digital government messaging

The US is calling on the global community to support the development of international standards for digital and AI content produced by governments. Such standards would be aimed at helping the public identify whether or not an apparent government message is authentic, and may include labelling such as digital signatures or watermarks.

7. The US will develop a pledge committing to the responsible use of AI

Finally, the US government will work with the Freedom Online Coalition (FOC) to develop a pledge that its development and implementation of AI will incorporate responsible practices. The FOC is a group of 38 countries whose stated aim is to advance internet freedom and protect human rights online worldwide.