Tech / Technology

Sex and reproduction studies in space offer confusing results

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Few sex and reproduction studies have happened in space. One thing is clear: the lack of gravity and a protective atmosphere can be dangerous.
Space cockroach offspring displaying mutations

Nadezhda used to scuttle around the drab halls of a bureaucratic building in southwestern Russia before she was recruited for an unprecedented experiment in space.

Suddenly, her life of anonymity — just trying to avoid hunger and the thick rubber tread of a boot — was elevated for a higher purpose. She would become a mother, and she would show the world what happens when multiples are conceived in outer space.

When she returned, everyone at the Institute of Biomedical Problems in Voronezh, Russia, waited and watched Nadezhda, whose name means “hope,” like the lower-than-lab-rat that she was.

Then, the day arrived: 33 cockroach babies were born, presenting unusual mutations. They were larger, ran faster, and even looked different from their brethren bugs on Earth. While the upper shells of the newborn critters are normally clear, Nadezhda’s brood was already sporting a dark reddish-brown coat.

“It’s like a space horror film in the making, when you think about it,” Alex Layendecker, founder of the Astrosexological Research Institute, told Mashable. “Two random cockroaches disappear into this spacecraft, and they just keep reproducing, and it compounds.”

Red pregnant cockroach carrying an egg

A Russian space experiment studied cockroach reproduction.
Credit: Yuliia Hurzhos / Getty Images

But what Layendecker is talking about is not science fiction. The experiment sent up on Roscosmos’ Foton-M bio-satellite in 2007 is one of the few sex and reproduction studies conducted in space. The results are disturbing, and not just because the study involved one of the most despised pests on the planet. It’s a harbinger for the austere challenges space presents for sustaining Earth-based life. Without gravity and Earth’s atmosphere, a security blanket blocking the planet’s inhabitants from high doses of cosmic radiation, baby-making is quite onerous.

On the International Space Station, flying about 250 miles above Earth, astronauts are exposed to radiation levels 100 times higher than on the ground. Yet the space station is still within Earth’s magnetic field, which offers some protection from toxic cosmic rays. Imagine then how venturing out into deep space — like on a trip to Mars or a long stay at the moon — might accelerate damage to human cells.

“To do humans, an actual study with human cells and human embryos, obviously, there are all kinds of checks and balances. Most of the work is done with proxies,” said David Cullen, professor of astrobiology and space biotechnology at Cranfield University in the United Kingdom. “By looking at mice (for example), you’re looking at humans indirectly.”

So far no mammals — or any animal with a backbone, for that matter — has completed its life cycle from conception to adulthood in space. There are only sparse, preliminary results on how space affects some of the critical phases of reproduction and early growth, such as fertilization, embryo development, pregnancy, birth, postnatal maturation, and parental care.

“It’s like a space horror film in the making.”

But there’s another problem: The data that do exist usually involve such small sample sizes that it’s difficult to extrapolate what the results would even mean for humans or any other species. Nearly all of the research has been on non-primate animals, with the exception of a human sperm study.

Scientists studying medaka fish mating and fertilization in a vertebrate in space

Medaka fish provided the first evidence of mating, fertilization, and hatching of a vertebrate animal’s eggs in space in 1994.
Credit: Koichi Yoshii via Getty Images

Medaka fish mating experiments in space

The first evidence of mating, fertilization, and hatching of a vertebrate animal’s eggs in space occurred in 1994 during a 15-day mission aboard NASA space shuttle Columbia.

“Who has had sex in space?” Dr. Shawna Pandya, director of medical research for Above Space Development, asked rhetorically while speaking on a South by Southwest panel in March. “It has been caught on tape, it has happened, and it was four Japanese Medaka fish, for those of you who are into that. Statistically speaking, at least one of you is.”

Medaka, also known as Japanese rice fish, usually live in small ponds, shallow rivers, and rice paddies. They were selected for a space experiment because the breed seems to be more tolerant of weightlessness, unbothered by the lack of a constant “up” or “down” in microgravity.

The experiment resulted in four fish laying 43 eggs. Of them, eight babies hatched in space, and another 30 were born after landing. The offspring seemed normal — with the expected numbers of germ cells found in the ovaries of the newly hatched — and some were able to have their own offspring upon their return to the planet as well.

tadpoles flying in space

Looping behaviors were noted in frog larvae on the space shuttle Endeavour in 1992, with tadpoles swimming in circles, somersaulting, and darting around in haphazard directions.
Credit: NASA

But other fish studies conducted in spaceflight have led to offspring with bizarre mutations. Some young-adult fish have swum in tight circles or in sideways loops. Though U.S. researchers found no significant changes in systems that control balance and orientation among fish studied in spaceflight, Soviet scientists found marked differences in how they formed.

“There have been wasp studies, mice studies, rodent studies, jellyfish, quail eggs. Any species you name, they’ve been studied on Shuttle, Mir, Skylab, [the International Space Station],” Pandya said. “And the data, at best, is conflicting.”

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Frog and tadpole growth and development in space

The same looping behaviors were noted in frog larvae on the space shuttle Endeavour in 1992, with tadpoles swimming in circles, somersaulting, and darting around in haphazard directions. The tadpoles also struggled to find the air bubbles in the tanks to fill their lungs.

Frogs flying in the Frog Embryology Experiment aboard Spacelab-J

While the experiment was largely deemed a reproduction success story in the mass media, tadpoles raised in microgravity were documented as having enlarged heads and eyes in scientific journals.
Credit: Tom Trower / NASA Ames Research Center

In an amphibian study two years later, four female African clawed frogs were injected with a hormone that triggers ovulation after reaching low-Earth orbit. NASA astronauts slathered sperm from male frogs onto the eggs, causing many to fertilize.

While the experiment was largely deemed a reproduction success story in the mass media, tadpoles raised in microgravity were documented as having enlarged heads and eyes in scientific journals. Some researchers who studied them in simulated weightlessness also observed these issues and suggested the super-sized heads may have been due to defects in the neural tube, which forms the early brain and spine. Across the board, it appears as though tadpole growth gets stunted, not just in space but also after they return to the gravity of Earth.

Why study fish and amphibians in space when the animal kingdom is full of species that more closely resemble humans? Mammals would be ideal, but experts say keeping them alive during long flights is complicated and expensive. Their embryos are also difficult to study in microgravity because they develop within a uterus. That makes it tricky for researchers to separate the influence of the mother’s body from the direct effects of weightlessness on the fetus.

Astronaut conducting newt experiment

Newts are considered a good model for space experiments because the female can retain live sperm for up to five months.
Credit: NASA Marshall Space Flight Center

In some cases, animals are picked based on logistics. For example, newts are considered a good model for space experiments because the females can retain live sperm after mating for up to five months. That large window of time allows scientists to inseminate them on Earth, but then have them go through fertilization, with the help of an injected hormone, later in space.

“To do humans, an actual study with human cells and human embryos, obviously, there are all kinds of checks and balances. Most of the work is done with proxies.”

‘Sex geckos’ experiments in space

Reptiles are some of the least studied creatures in space, though thick-toed geckos have taken trips aboard Russia’s uncrewed Foton-M3 in 2007 and Bion-M1 in 2013. They were chosen because their sticky feet help them attach to surfaces in weightlessness. When the geckos returned, scientists found bits of partially eaten unfertilized eggs in their habitats.

It remains a mystery whether lizard reproduction can occur in space. In 2014, a 60-day spaceflight on the Russian Foton-M4, which caught the attention of John Oliver on HBO’s Last Week Tonight, was cut short due to problems with the mission, including a temporary loss of communication with the satellite. All five of the ornate day geckos aboard the uncrewed spacecraft, or “sex geckos” as Oliver called them, died before landing, likely because of freezing, according to later reports.

Quail eggs might also seem like a bonkers choice of animal for reproduction and development experiments in space, but studies date back to 1979 when the Soviet Union sent them aboard Cosmos-1129. Reports from TASS, the state-run news agency, said the Soviet space program was trying to figure out if quail could be a food source for cosmonauts. Apparently most of the eggs broke during the landing.

But they kept trying over the years. Though some chicks could make it through incubation, the hatch rates tended to be low, and many of the embryos showed defects in their eyes, brains, and beaks. Birds raised on the Mir space station also never pecked right, a possible sign of a balance problem. A long list of defects were noted over multiple experiments, including muscular dystrophy and underdeveloped thyroid glands.

Researcher using centrifuge on quail eggs

Space studies involving quail eggs date back to 1979.
Credit: Dominic Hart / NASA

Rodent reproduction experiments in space

Most of the previous mammal studies have involved rats. Despite NASA’s aversion to discussing and studying sex, the space agency and National Institutes of Health collaborated on space shuttle missions to study fetal development and postnatal health of rodents in space.

In two flights, 10 pregnant rats were launched midway through gestation and landed just a couple of days before the end of the full term. Rat pups born after the flights had delays in brain development and major sensory and motor systems, including in their eyes, ears, noses, and balance centers.

In a third rodent study, two litters each of five-day-old, eight-day-old, and 14-day-old pups flew in space. Though the oldest group fared better healthwise, only 10 percent of the five-day-olds survived. Among the eight-day-olds, 90 percent lived but had about 25 percent less body weight than normal. The 14-day-olds lived and were comparable to the same-age rat pups in the control group on Earth. This may mean that the space environment has an outsized negative impact on earlier stages of development.

But experts like Layendecker reiterate that not a single mammal has ever been born in space, so it’s anyone’s guess how fertilization and the forming of a placenta would occur away from our home planet.

“There’s not enough data from those experiments to really give us a substantive understanding of the whole problem,” he said.

Tech / Technology

Diggs Enventur review: Durable inflatable dog crate

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We loved the portability of the Diggs Enventur crate, but can’t recommend it to all dog owners. Here’s why.
A rough collie puppy sitting in a gray inflatable crate in a black car

I’m serious about keeping my two dogs restrained in the car. Not only can loose pets in a car distract drivers, they can also become dangerous projectiles if not restrained properly. Keeping your pup secured with a seatbelt or a car crate is the best way to keep them (and yourself) safe while driving.

Most crash-tested car crates are big, bulky, and heavy, and some dogs can’t relax while secured with a seatbelt harness. There’s definitely a hole in the market for a lightweight car crate that’s also safe, comfortable, and durable. I was excited to hear that Diggs was on its way to meeting that need with the new Enventur inflatable travel kennel, but there are a handful of flaws with the product that didn’t go unnoticed in my testing.

Is the Diggs Enventur crash-tested?

I tested the medium kennel ($475) with my two dogs, and while this size hasn’t been crash-test certified yet, Diggs states that the small kennel ($425) had passed third-party bench seat crash safety tests, and that ongoing testing is underway for the medium size.

A TikTok video on the brand’s page also mentioned that the small Enventur was on its way to getting Center For Pet Safety certified. Diggs has another CPS-certified product for small dogs — the Diggs Passenger Carrier — so the brand has gone through this certification process before. Once the Enventur is CPS-certified, we’d be willing to revisit its score, since the safety certification (and the peace of mind) will make it a little more worth the price.

The Enventur has some great features for traveling

Where other dog travel crates tend to be bulky and heavy, the Enventur is actually portable. I’ve taken the Enventur on multiple road trips, and it works well as a crate that transitions from the car to a hotel room, Airbnb, or campsite with ease. This is mostly because of how lightweight it is and the fact that it’s easy to fold up. I loved not smashing my fingers in metal bars like I do (every time) trying to set up a wire crate.

Diggs Enventur folded up next to a black hand pump

It’s not tiny when it folds down, but can easily be thrown in the backseat or trunk of a car.
Credit: Jae Thomas / Mashable

While the medium size hasn’t been crash-tested yet, the Enventur still features tie-down loops and can be secured to the connection points in the cargo space of a car, though these don’t feel the most secure. Even though the tie-down straps aren’t the best, this is definitely a safer option than just putting a loose kennel in the car. The crate also has a slanted back that is designed to fit better in a car’s cargo space than traditional rectangle kennels, though I still couldn’t fit the kennel in my Ford Bronco Sport without putting the seats down or turning the kennel sideways.

Connection points on a car and a crate are connected by a black strap

The tie down straps aren’t the best quality, but they keep the crate pretty secure.
Credit: Jae Thomas / Mashable

The Enventur is super easy to clean. On one occasion, my puppy threw up in the kennel while I was driving, and when we got home, I was able to just hose the kennel down, wipe it out, and let it dry. Because it’s inflatable and pretty comfortable for pups on its own, it also doesn’t require a bed.

What we didn’t like about the Enventur

I don’t love that the tie-down straps and the pump for the Enventur are sold separately. Considering the already high price of the kennel (it starts at $425) and that it’s marketed as a car crate, I’d love to see these accessories included. The tie-down straps add an extra $45, and purchasing the kennel with the pump adds an extra $75. You can absolutely find a cheaper pump with the correct kind of connection points — any paddle board or inflatable kayak pump will work as long as it features a halkey-roberts valve attachment. The tie-down straps could also be more durable — the closure doesn’t work as well as more durable crate tie-down straps I’ve tried, like the Gunner Kennel straps.

Door zipped closed on a gray inflatable crate in a car

In a bigger car, you could likely fit the medium Enenvur in the cargo space without putting the seats down.
Credit: Jae Thomas / Mashable

Another issue with the manual pump was how much effort it took to get the PSI up to the recommended level. Diggs recommends five to 10 PSI for the Enventur, so I recommend using an electric pump to inflate it if you don’t want to put in some work to inflate it. A small electric pump would also likely be easier to travel with than the manual pump, which was a bit annoying to carry around.

In three months of testing, I didn’t experience issues with the zipper door, but I read some user reviews that mentioned high-anxiety dogs and strong chewers busting through the door. In the last two weeks of testing, I took the Enventur on a road trip to use for my 6-month-old collie puppy, Dashi. I’d been using this crate for her for months prior, but on this trip, she was unfortunately able to tear a hole in one of the windows. I can no longer use this crate for her, which is a bummer because of all its other great features.

A hole in the woven window of the Diggs Enventur crate

The Enventur held up until the last night of a two-week cross-country road trip.
Credit: Jae Thomas / Mashable

I noticed the day before my puppy ripped the hole that some of my gear in the trunk was pushing against the window, creating some stress in the woven window, Once that stress loosened up the weave, my puppy was able to chew right through it. I can no longer keep her in this crate since she’ll continue to rip the window. She’s not a very strong chewer and is only about 35 pounds and 6 months old, so the durability of the windows is definitely much less than Diggs advertises.

I likely would never have had this issue if I only tested the Enventur with my older dog, Miso, who isn’t a chewer. As with any pet product, know your dog and do what’s safest for them. Nearly no kennels are escape-proof (and the Enventur doesn’t claim to be), so owners of pups who like to chew should select a car kennel with that in mind.

Once the medium and large sizes of the Enventur are crash-tested, we’ll likely re-test and update this story. Until then, the small crate is a safe car option for dogs under 30 pounds who are unlikely to chew on the woven pieces of the crate. We’ll be checking in with Diggs about the crash testing process and will update this story if they receive crash testing certification.

diggs sizing guide for Enventur dog crate

The small size is crash tested, but the others haven’t been yet.
Credit: Screenshot: Diggs

Is the Diggs Enventur inflatable kennel worth it?

Depsite some major qualms I had with the Enventur, it saved my ass on multiple occasions. Going on camping trips with a puppy is no small feat, and it was great to have a lightweight, portable kennel to keep Dashi in while I cooked or did camp chores so she wouldn’t get into anything she shouldn’t. Until Dashi was able to rip a hole in the crate, I was prepared to recommend the Enventur to most dog owners. At this time, I can only recommend it to dog owners who know their dog won’t attempt to chew or scratch through the woven windows or doors.

Black and white dog sitting in a gray inflatable crate

My 45-pound dog, Miso, fits well in the medium crate.
Credit: Jae Thomas / Mashable

Aside from the window durability issues, there are still plenty of positives about this crate. It’s easier to set up than a wire crate, and it’s light enough that I can carry it and the pump and tow along anything else I need in a wagon without having to make multiple trips to the car. It’s less bulky than some other car crates I’ve tested too, and once it receives crash-testing certification, it will be more worth the price for non-chewing dogs and their families.

Tech / Technology

Best kitchen deal: 7-piece cast iron cookware for $180

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A Basque 7-piece enameled cast iron cookware set (in three colors) is on sale for $179.97. That’s 48% off the set’s regular price of $349.99.
Basque's enamel cookware set in a real color, shown on a stove containing foods like soup, freshly made bread, and beyond

TL;DR: As of October 28, you can get a Basque 7-piece enameled cast iron cookware set (in blue, red, or white) for only $179.97 instead of $349.99 — which is a savings of 48%.

Is your kitchen ready for the onslaught of the holidays? From preparing appetizers to bring to dinner parties to prepping a full Thanksgiving dinner, it’s time to consider whether your cookware is up to snuff.

Fortunately, you can currently score a Basque cast iron cookware set on sale ahead of the holidays. Select between blue, white, or red and bring this versatile seven piece set into your kitchen for $170 off at just $179.97 — which is the best price online — through October 31. 

If you’ve been putting off replacing your cookware, this sale on the Basque seven piece enameled cast iron cookware set could be a sign that it’s time to officially swap to long-lasting, high-quality cookware. Thanks to its cast-iron composition, these pieces offer superior heat retention and distribution to allow for quick and even cooking. And they’re all aesthetically pleasing enough to easily go from the stovetop to the tabletop. 

These versatile pieces — a skillet, saucepan, and two dutch ovens — can be used in the oven or on the stove at up to 500ºF. And you can rest easy knowing it’s all durable, chip and scratch resistant, and nonstick — so cleaning up is a breeze. The oversized handles offer additional control, so you’ll look like a professional in the kitchen. 

Bring home the Basque 7-piece enameled cast iron cookware set ahead of the holidays, available for $179.97 (reg. $349) in blue, white, or red, with no coupon code required, until October 31 at 11:59 p.m. PT.

Prices subject to change. 

Tech / Technology

The 20 best action movies on Netflix in September 2023

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The best, most exciting action movies on Netflix, from “The Old Guard” to “Jumanji,” “The Dark Knight,” “Kick-Ass,” and more!
Composite of images from Netflix action movies.

Looking to fuel up your Netflix queue with some high-octane action?

Whether you’re a fan of wild Westerns, cunning detectives, high-swinging superheroes, ravenous zombies, or hard-core assassins, Netflix has a movie pitch-perfect for every kind of adrenaline seeker. But scrolling through the app can be a chore when all you want to do is Netflix and chill. We’ve taken out the hard step, highlighting the most stunt-stuffed, battle-powered, high-speed films the streamer has to offer.

Here, in no particular order, are the 20 best action movies on Netflix, streaming right now.

20. Dune

Timothée Chalamet in Dune

Credit: Warner Bros.

If you like your action movies with a heaping helping of cerebral sci-fi, then Dune is here to save the day.

Granted, director Denis Villeneuve’s adaptation of Frank Herbert’s classic novel takes its time more so than most action movies, focusing on the political intrigue between the various galactic forces who seek to control the desert planet Arrakis. But as protagonist Paul Atreides (Timothée Chalamet) begins to undergo a mythic transformation, we’re thrust into a stunningly crafted world of knife duels, hostile takeovers, and space battles. Oh, and sandworms — glorious, glorious sandworms.Belen Edwards, Entertainment Reporter

How to watch: Dune is now streaming on Netflix.

19. Kill Boksoon

A teen girl in a school uniform holds her cell phone.

Credit: No Ju-han/Netflix

Gil Bok-Soon (Jeon Do-yeon) is a single mother who often finds herself at odds with her teenage daughter. She’s also a highly skilled and successful assassin. Kill Boksoon is a fantastic action film that sees its main character head straight from a brutal killing to the grocery store so she can get dinner on the table. It’s one hell of a hook that sucks you in immediately. The fight scenes are hypnotic and the cinematography ambitious and exciting. It’s a gripping thriller that makes plenty of space for the complex emotional reality of its characters.*Kristina Grosspietsch, Freelance Contributor

How to watch: Kill Boksoon is now streaming on Netflix.

18. Spider-Man

The upside-down kiss from "Spider-Man."

Credit: Moviestore / Shutterstock

I can’t tell you how many times I watched my worn-out DVD of the first chapter in Sam Raimi’s ’00s Spider-Man trilogy, but suffice it to say, I can’t remember many other 2002 films. Spider-Man introduces a perfectly earnest Tobey Maguire as trembling genius teen Peter Parker. He’s pining away for his neighbor Mary Jane Watson (a superbly savvy Kirsten Dunst) and grieving while also developing superpowers from a fateful super spider bite. Meanwhile, he’s fanning out over his best friend’s dad, industrialist Norman Osborn (the exquisitely evil Willem Dafoe); little does Peter know his idol is also the villainous Green Goblin, who will soon be throwing Spidey around in many a nail-biting, cross-city battle.

We’ve moved through two other Spider-Men since Maguire’s run, but Raimi’s film wove unforgettable scenes into cinematic history — that upside-down rain kiss can’t be beat. In fact, the film has such iconic action shots in it that Spider-Man: No Way Home director Jon Watts included several in the now-infamous meet-up scene — watching Maguire dodge those Razor Bat pumpkins in 2002 and 2021 is sheer glee for fans. — Shannon Connellan, UK Editor

How to watch: Spider-Man is now streaming on Netflix.

17. The Woman King

Viola Davis has come to kick ass and bring to life the story of the Agojie.

Credit: Sony

It might be a cliche to say “This is the role they were born to play!” But when you witness the storming glory of Viola Davis as a hard-fighting general in The Woman King, that thought hits hard, fast, and repeatedly, like one’s heartbeat as this historical epic kicks into action mode.

In promoting the film, Davis has spoken openly about all the ways it’s the kind of movie that Hollywood’s supposed conventional wisdom — which caters predominantly to white and male audiences — said could never be made. Davis is a 57-year-old, dark-skinned Black woman, and she’s headlining a war movie in which she gets to be the titular protagonist and kicks slavers’ ass. As she expressed before the film’s World Premiere at the 2022 Toronto International Film Festival, she’s living her dream in this film. And for us, it was exhilarating to live vicariously through her. 

Inspired by the Agojie of West Africa, The Woman King explores the passions, problems, and camaraderie of this all-female band of warriors. While Davis dazzles at its center, co-stars Thuso Mbedu, Sheila Atim, and Lashana Lynch shine alongside her. Each brings powerful charisma to a full-throated performance that keeps audiences equally riveted through scenes of battle or blossoming romance, gut-punching grief or pugnacious celebration. As she did with The Old Guard, Gina Prince-Bythewood marries action with emotion, creating sequences that make our pulses race and our hearts shudder.*  —K.P.

How to watch: The Woman King is now streaming on Netflix.

16. Snowpiercer

Chris Evans and Kang-Ho Song in Snowpiercer

Credit: Moviestore/Shutterstock

Before Bong Joon-ho won Best Picture with Parasite, he delivered an icy thrill ride crowded with action and political commentary. Based on Jacques Lob’s graphic novel Le Transperceneige, Snowpiercer is set in a post-apocalyptic future where the world has entered a merciless ice age, forcing all humans to survive on a single train that races around frozen terrain. But the cheap seats are much worse than flying in coach. While those in the back of the train live in squalor and suffer from starvation, those in the front revel in luxury and splendor. This pushes a posse led by one grim man (Chris Evans) to do whatever it takes to get to the front and fight for change. Also on board this star-stuffed action movie are Song Kang-ho, Tilda Swinton, Jamie Bell, Octavia Spencer, Ewen Bremner, Go Ah-sung, John Hurt, and Ed Harris. — K.P.

How to watch: Snowpiercer is now streaming on Netflix.

15. RRR

You’ve never seen an action movie quite as bombastic or as bromantic as RRR. Director S.S. Rajamouli draws loosely from history to tell the story of Indian freedom fighters Alluri Sitarama Raju (Ram Charan) and Komaram Bheem (N.T. Rama Rao Jr.). Over the film’s three-hour runtime, the two unwittingly face off in the search for a kidnapped girl, become the best of friends, and square off against villainous English colonizers.

Any of RRR‘s action sequences would be the pinnacle of a lesser action movie, but the film seems determined to outdo itself with showstopper after showstopper. Take when Raju faces down hundreds of protesters and wins, or when Bheem fights a tiger bare-handed. Would you believe me if I told you those happen within the first 20 minutes? The action — and the movie — only get more awesome from there. — B.E.

Where to watch: RRR is now streaming on Netflix.

14. The Harder They Fall

Regina King in "The Harder They Fall."

Credit: David Lee / Netflix

Put ’em up, as this is hands-down one of the best action movies in the Wild West.

Directed by Jeymes Samuel, The Harder They Fall defiantly redefines the predominantly white Western, boasting an incredible cast of Black stars: Jonathan Majors, Idris Elba, Regina King, Zazie Beetz, LaKeith Stanfield, and Delroy Lindo. A tale of heroes and villains, the film follows Nat Love (Majors) on his quest for revenge against the formidable Rufus Buck (Elba). But he’ll have to make his gunslinging way through “Treacherous” Trudy Smith (Regina King) and Cherokee Bill (Stanfield) first. Even before the opening credits roll, you’ll fall hard for this one. — S.C.

How to watch: The Harder They Fall is now streaming on Netflix.

13. Jaws

Studio publicity film still from "Jaws" Robert Shaw, Roy Scheider, Richard Dreyfuss 1975 Universal

Credit: HA/THA/Shutterstock

In 1975, Steven Spielberg gave rise to the blockbuster with this iconic creature feature. Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw, and Richard Dreyfuss star as an unlikely trio of local sheriff, sea captain, and shark expert. Together, they brave the waters off Amity Island to do battle with a man-eating great white shark. Though not as action-packed as today’s blockbusters, this nerve-rattling adaptation of Peter Benchley’s beach read was scary enough to drive audiences wild and turn the tide of shark sentiment against the sea beast for decades. Yet nothing in the fear-mongering Shark Week can compete with action of man versus sea beast that goes down here. And every time you’ll be tempted to cheer when Brody snarls, “Smile, you sonovabitch!” —K.P.

How to watch: Jaws is now streaming on Netflix.

12. Enola Holmes

Millie Bobby Brown in "Enola Holmes."

Credit: Netflix

Sherlock Holmes’s much cooler little sister is an overlooked young action hero in Enola Holmes. Based on author Nancy Springer’s popular book series The Enola Holmes Mysteries, the film puts the great detective’s savvy 16-year-old sibling on the case, played with energetic spoonfuls of gumption by Stranger Things star Millie Bobby Brown. She’s set to solve the greatest mystery of her young life: to find her missing mother (Helena Bonham Carter) through a series of deliberately cryptic clues — all while breaking the fourth wall and confiding in the audience, thanks to Fleabag director Harry Bradbeer and His Dark Materials‘ Jack Thorne’s sharp screenplay.

Stepping into the footsteps of her famous brother Sherlock (Henry Cavill) and avoiding those of her stuffier misogynist brother Mycroft (Sam Claflin), Enola’s case leads her on a wild ride through Victorian-era England, with more than a few fistfights and butts to kick along the way. And lucky for you, the sequel is even better. — S.C.

How to watch: Enola Holmes is now streaming on Netflix.

11. 65

A man in a spacesuit and holding a gun walks through a forest.

Credit: Patti Perret/Sony Pictures Entertainment

Sometimes, you get the urge to watch an Oscar-nominated actor blast a bunch of dinosaurs with a laser gun. And when that urge sneaks up on you, the only cure is 65.

65 is built around the genius premise that is “Adam Driver fights dinosaurs,” and boy, does it deliver. As Mills, a pilot from a super advanced civilization from 65 million years ago, Driver crash-lands on prehistoric Earth, where he headshots a T. Rex, bludgeons a raptor, and much, much more. He also takes the time to bond with his one fellow survivor, a young girl named Koa (Barbie‘s Ariana Greenblatt). The result is a sweet “lone wolf and cub” movie full of dino-sized thrills, kills, and a very threatening asteroid. — B.E.

How to watch: 65 is now streaming on Netflix.

10. They Cloned Tyrone

John Boyega, Jamie Foxx, and Teyonah Parris have weapons ready.

Credit: Netflix

With this 2023 release, co-writer/director Juel Taylor pulls plenty of inspiration from Blaxploitation. John Boyega, Jamie Foxx, and Teyonah Parris star as a drug dealer, a pimp, and a sex worker who undercover a nefarious conspiracy that’s happening underneath their neighborhood. Taylor and fellow screenwriter Tony Rettenmaier weave in wild twists, fly fight scenes, irreverent humor, and swaggering style for what our critic called “a propulsive comedy-thriller with weight.” As bold as it is star-studded, you won’t want to miss They Cloned Tyrone. And stay for the credits, trust us. —K.P.

How to watch: They Cloned Tyrone is now streaming on Netflix.

9. The Nice Guys

If you’re a sucker for black comedy, witty dialogue, ’70s style action, and/or odd-couple comedic duos, it doesn’t get much nicer than The Nice Guys.

Jackson Healy (Russell Crowe) and Holland March (Ryan Gosling) play a pair of washed-up private investigators who reluctantly join forces to search for a missing woman (Margaret Qualley) in 1977 Los Angeles — with occasional assistance from March’s clever teenage daughter, played by Angourie Rice. Though the mystery takes the gang to the farthest reaches of the city, burrowing deep into rabbit holes and brushing up against all manner of eccentrics, it’s the unexpected chemistry between Crowe and Gosling that really keeps this engine running, and it’ll leave you wishing for more where that came from.* — Angie Han, Deputy Entertainment Editor

How to watch: The Nice Guys is now streaming on Netflix.

8. Triple Frontier

Oscar Isaac and Ben Affleck in a scene from "Triple Frontier"

Credit: Netflix

This Netflix adventure has Ben Affleck, Oscar Isaac, Charlie Hunnam, Garrett Hedlund, and Pedro Pascal coming together as a group of former Special Forces who plan an elaborate heist in South America. But after things get out of hand, their survival skills are put to the ultimate test.

Putting a talented cast in a tension-filled scenario, Triple Frontier is the type of gritty thriller that’s hard to turn away from. — Brooke Bajgrowicz, Entertainment Fellow

How to watch: Triple Frontier is now streaming on Netflix.

7. Okja

Masked fighter in a scene from "Okja"

Credit: Netflix

Blending drama with fantasy/adventure and weaving in a very real message about the horrors of the meat industry, Bong Joon-ho‘s Okja is a beautifully unique creature feature, striped with action.

The film follows Mina (Ahn Seo-hyun), the granddaughter of a farmer in South Korea who has spent the last 10 years rearing a genetically modified super-pig called Okja as part of a breeding project spearheaded by a grim U.S. corporation. This movie is dark in places, magical in others, and poignant overall, asking us to stop and reflect on the dark side of an industry the majority of us are complicit in. Tilda Swinton and Jake Gyllenhaal make for an entertaining pair of villains, too.* S.H.

How to watch: Okja is now streaming on Netflix.

6. Rush

There are plenty of good reasons to watch Rush, including the charismatic performances by Chris Hemsworth and Daniel Brühl as rival Formula One drivers, the dramatic story beats pulled from actual history, and the fabulous sets and costumes steeped in ’70s style (especially everything Olivia Wilde‘s character wears). But the best reason of all is the racing scenes, which director Ron Howard imbues with such a propulsive thrill that you may find yourself making race car noises (vroom, vroom) for hours afterward, like a little kid tearing into a new box of Hot Wheels on Christmas morning. Uh, not that I’d know from personal experience or anything. — A.H.

How to watch: Rush is now streaming on Netflix.

5. Da 5 Bloods

Jonathan Majors and Delroy Lindo in "Da 5 Bloods" from Spike Lee.

Credit: Netflix

Spike Lee copters audiences back to the Vietnam War with Da 5 Bloods, a daring film that’s part drama, part war movie, and part heist flick. Named for a squad of Black U.S. Army soldiers of the 1st Infantry Division, Lee’s critically heralded 2020 joint follows this band of brothers through a treacherous war zone, then rediscovers them in a present where they’re seeking to uncover the past — and a big payday.

Sequences of brutal battles, narrow escapes, and high-tension hijinks make Da 5 Bloods an enthralling watch. Though inspired by history, it’s impossible to predict where Lee’s story will lead. Our guides on this intense journey through time, loss, war, and brotherhood are Delroy Lindo, Jonathan Majors, Clarke Peters, Norm Lewis, Isiah Whitlock Jr., and the late Chadwick Boseman. Together, they and Lee create an American war film that can’t be missed. — K.P.

How to watch: Da 5 Bloods is now streaming on Netflix.

4. The Raid: Redemption (and The Raid 2)

Looking for high-octane martial arts action? Then you’re in luck, because Gareth Evans’s thriller The Raid: Redemption (and its sequel, The Raid 2) are both streaming on Netflix.

This Indonesian action masterpiece takes a relatively simple premise — a police squad raids a crime lord’s apartment block — and elevates it with shocking plot twists and some of the best fight scenes put to film. Choreographed by Iko Uwais and Yayan Ruhian, who also star, The Raid‘s action sequences are no-holds-barred smackdowns that will have you on the edge of your seat. They feature everything from the Indonesian martial art pencak silat to machetes and guns, making for fights that are as varied as they are brutal. — B.E.

Where to watch: The Raid: Redemption is now streaming on Netflix.

3. Army of the Dead

A shot of the city at night in "Army of the Dead."

Credit: Netflix

Sometimes all you want is to grab hold of that action-o-meter and crank the dial, hard, to a solid 11. Army of the Dead more than delivers on that front, opening with a musical montage of guns and exploding body parts — and it only gets gorier from there. Zack Snyder‘s story follows a band of mercenaries hired to steal $200 million from a casino in Las Vegas. The problem? Vegas has been invaded by zombies, the city is quarantined, and the military is planning to blow the entire thing up with a tactical nuclear strike. The sprawling cast includes Dave Bautista, Omari Hardwick, Hiroyuki Sanada, Garret Dillahunt, and Ana de la Reguera, as well as a digitally added Tig Notaro.

What follows is a gloriously silly romp that refuses to take itself too seriously, propelling us through a series of explosions and bullets while the story twists and turns through a 148-minute runtime that feels oh, so much shorter. — S.H.

How to watch: Army of the Dead is now streaming on Netflix.

2. The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight, Heath Ledger

Credit: Moviestore/Shutterstock

The entirety of Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy is streaming on Netflix, but if you only have time to watch one movie, make it the highlight. Make it The Dark Knight.

While artfully directed high-speed car chases and hand-to-hand combat abound here, it’s the introduction of Heath Ledger’s Joker that sets this film apart. He’s chaos in clown makeup, pushing Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) to his limit with a series of attacks and moral dilemmas that terrorize Gotham. A gripping crime drama full of unforgettable sequences, The Dark Knight isn’t just the best comic book movie of all time — it’s one of the best action movies of all time, too. — B.E.

How to watch: The Dark Knight is now streaming on Netflix.

1. The Old Guard

Charlize Theron and others in "The Old Guard."

Credit: Netflix

Folks looking for that summer blockbuster thrill, search no further than The Old Guard. Based on the superhero comic books of the same name, director Gina Prince-Bythewood‘s movie sucks viewers into a slick, well-crafted world of action and narrative that isn’t particularly unique but delivers its formulaic pieces with enough precision to keep you invested.

Charlize Theron crushes as the ass-kicking leader of an immortal warrior fight crew, with performances by Harry Melling, Marwan Kenzari, KiKi Layne, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Veronica Ngo, Matthias Schoenaerts, and more.* — Alison Foreman, Entertainment Reporter 

How to watch: The Old Guard is now streaming on Netflix.


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* denotes the entry comes from a previous Mashable list.

UPDATE: Sep. 8, 2023, 5:00 p.m. EDT This post has been updated to reflect the current selection on Netflix.