
A Fantasy RPG That Oozes Cool

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Fans of Atlus’ long-running RPG relationship sim series won’t stop asking when Persona 6 will arrive, but the truth is that Metaphor: ReFantazio seems like it covers an awful lot of the same bases, from flashy turn-based fights to friendship meters, while also evolving on the formula in some exciting ways. It’s also a…

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Jak And Daxter Fanmade PC Port Gets Multiplayer Mod

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Jak and Daxter, Naughty Dog’s pre-Uncharted mascot platformer on the PlayStation 2, may have been forgotten by Sony, but not by fans. Sure, you can play the original trilogy and the kart racing spin-off Jak X on your PlayStation 5 through backwards compatibility with the PS4 bundle, but it’s highly unlikely that we…

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