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Dinosaur extinction: Scientists reveal deadly Earth after impact

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An asteroid slammed into Earth, triggering a widespread dinosaur extinction. Scientists found that a colossal amount of dust in the atmosphere darkened the planet and devastated the food chain.
A dinosaur skull on a fiery landscape.

For two particularly harsh years after the dinosaur-killing asteroid slammed into Earth, the world darkened and temperatures plummeted.

Ultimately, the food web collapsed, wiping out starved terrestrial dinosaurs.

New research, published in the science journal Nature Geoscience, reveals a detailed view of what transpired after the roughly six-mile-wide rock collided with our planet. The impact hit around the Yucatan Peninsula, ejecting a nasty brew of soot, sulphur gases, and extremely fine dust into the atmosphere. Crucially, scientists found this dust proved extremely potent in blocking sunlight.

A long, callous winter, with vastly reduced light for some two years, followed.

“That shuts down photosynthesis. And breaks down the food chain,” David Fastovsky, a professor emeritus in the Department of Geosciences at the University of Rhode Island who has researched the dinosaur extinction, told Mashable. Fastovsky had no involvement in the new study.

In a well-known site that preserved fallout from the asteroid impact, the Hell Creek Formation in North Dakota, the researchers found a high abundance of these fine dust particles in the pinkish, uppermost layer where the last of the dust settled. Then they simulated, using advanced climate models, how such a high amount of dust would have behaved in the lofty skies. Global effects persisted for well over a decade, though they were greatest for the first couple years. It wasn’t just dark, but also cold.

“The new paleoclimate simulations show that such a plume of micrometric silicate dust could have remained in the atmosphere for up to 15 years after the event, contributing to global cooling of the Earth’s surface by as much as 15 °C [27 degrees Fahrenheit] in the initial aftermath of the impact,” Cem Berk Senel, a scientist at the Royal Observatory of Belgium who led the research, said in a statement.

A conception of the darkened, dusty world in the aftermath of the Chicxulub impact.

A conception of the darkened, dusty world in the aftermath of the Chicxulub impact.
Credit: Mark A. Garlick

It takes the largest class of asteroid — a half-mile-wide or bigger — to potentially trigger such a worldwide effect. “To shut down an entire global ecosystem is truly astounding,” Fastovsky noted.

“To shut down an entire global ecosystem is truly astounding.”

This scale of rock hits Earth every 100 million years or so. Fortunately, astronomers are vigilantly scanning Earth’s solar system neighborhood for big asteroids, and have found no known threats of collision for the next century, and the likelihood of an impact in the next 1,000 years is exceedingly low. (Smaller asteroids, which are more common, hit more frequently: On average, a car-sized asteroid explodes in our skies each year, while impacts by objects around 460 feet in diameter occur every 10,000 to 20,000 years.)

The latest research adds to a preponderance of evidence that an asteroid collision triggered the Cretaceous-Tertiary Mass Extinction event, also known as the K-T event, 66 million years ago. (Some argue that potent, long-term volcanism in what’s now India could have driven the extinction.) Ultimately, some 75 percent of Earth’s species went extinct. The new study, pointing at the outsized role that dust played in collapsing the food web, fills in more of the picture of what happened so long ago. “It’s another step,” Fastovsky said.

A graphic showing how the ejecta from the asteroid collision vastly reduced the amount of sunlight on Earth.

A graphic showing how the ejecta from the asteroid collision vastly reduced the amount of sunlight on Earth.
Credit: Royal Observatory of Belgium / Modified from Senel et al., 2023; Nature Geoscience

Some life, of course, persevered. Some organisms could hibernate, some seeds could stay dormant. And some dinosaurs — avian species — survived, too. These birds, which have since evolved over millions of years, persisted, in part because they could gobble many different types of food (unlike, say, many carnivores).

Today, around 6,400 species of mammals roam Earth. Yet over 10,000 bird species inhabit the planet.

“You’re still living in the age of dinosaurs,” Fastovsky marveled.

Tech / Technology

8 burning question we have for ‘Gen V’ Season 2

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Prime Video’s “Gen V” has already been renewed for Season 2, which is great because Season 1 left us with several big questions.
Three college students standing in the woods.

After eight episodes of superpowered college shenanigans, memory wipes, and exploded penises, Gen V‘s first season has come to a close.

The good news? The show has already been renewed for Season 2. The bad news? We’ve been left on a pretty intense cliffhanger, with Marie (Jaz Sinclair), Emma (Lizze Broadway), Jordan (London Thor and Derek Luh), and Andre (Chance Perdomo) trapped in some unknown facility. Not only that, but they’re officially on Homelander’s (Antony Starr) bad side, having tried to stop Cate (Maddie Phillips) and Sam (Asa Germann) from killing every non-supe at Godolkin University.

So, what’s next for our new band of supes? And when will we get to see them in action again in Season 2? Here are eight burning questions we have for the future of Gen V.

1. When is Gen V Season 2 coming out?

Two college students at a desk in a large office.

Jaz Sinclair and London Thor in “Gen V.”
Credit: Brooke Palmer/Prime Video

There’s no release date yet for Gen V Season 2, meaning we’ll have to wait a while to see Marie and co. again. We can definitely expect it after The Boys Season 4 finishes its run, as The Boys showrunner Eric Kripke told Entertainment Weekly that the finale for Season 4 would feature a “handoff” to Gen V Season 2. The Boys Season 4 doesn’t have a set release date either, but a 2024 release seems likely.

2. Where are Marie, Emma, Jordan, and Andre being kept?

You can’t end a season with our heroes trapped in a doorless room and expect us not to wonder where said room is, right? From the looks of it, Marie and her friends are in some kind of high-tech research facility, but Gen V gives us very few clues as to what it actually is. Could this be the much-dreaded adult facility for wayward supes that Marie has always worried about? Is it a sinister Vought laboratory? Or has Marie’s benefactor Victoria Neuman (Claudia Doumit) pulled some strings to get Marie sent elsewhere? And speaking of Victoria…

3. What is Victoria going to do with Dean Shetty’s supe virus?

A woman in a blue suit standing in a parking garage.

Claudia Doumit in “Gen V.”
Credit: Brooke Palmer/Prime Video

Last we saw Victoria in Gen V, she had blown up Dr. Cardosa’s (Marco Pigossi) head and taken off with the virus he and Dean Shetty (Shelley Conn) created to target supes. With both Dr. Cardosa and Dean Shetty dead, Victoria is officially the only person in the world with knowledge of (and access to) the virus. So, what’s next for The Boys‘ resident head-popper? Will she try to destroy the biggest threat to supe-kind? Or will she attempt to weaponize it in some way… perhaps against Homelander? Granted, Victoria is a supe herself, so the latter plan comes with a huge element of risk. But we wouldn’t put it past her to try to engineer an antidote so she can weather the incoming storm.

4. How will Godolkin University recover from Sam and Cate’s massacre?

A young woman in leather gloves in a club.

Maddie Phillips in “Gen V.”
Credit: Brooke Palmer/Prime Video

Cate, Sam, and the imprisoned students from The Woods led a wave of carnage across God U’s campus. How will the school and its student body deal with the fallout? Based on the very end of Gen V, we know that Sam and Cate are being hailed as the new Guardians of Godolkin. Does that mean their line of pro-supe and pro-Homelander radicalization will continue to spread? How will that power affect their already fragile mental states? And what was Vought’s thought process when it came to declaring Sam and Cate — the perpetrators of a college campus murder spree who tried to kill several Vought employees — the heroes of the day?

5. Will Emma learn to control her powers in a different way?

A young woman in a sparkling pink dress.

Lizze Broadway in “Gen V.”
Credit: Brooke Palmer/Prime Video

Throughout the season, Emma has struggled with the ways in which disordered eating impact her powers: She has to purge food to shrink and binge it to grow. However, in the Season 1 finale, she shrinks without purging. The change comes after a fight with Sam, when he declares she’s not a hero. Suddenly, much to her surprise, Emma finds herself getting small.

While the finale doesn’t unpack that moment further, this shrinking incident hints at development to come for Emma. Perhaps her powers aren’t just linked to her eating, but to her sense of self. Sam’s words cut pretty deep, after all — maybe enough to make Emma feel tiny. This moment suggests that Emma’s self-hatred can have a similar effect to her purging food, although relying on self-loathing would be just another painful method of controlling her powers. Still, here’s hoping Emma can use this one instance to unlock a less detrimental way of accessing her abilities. Little Cricket really deserves a break.

6. Will Andre have to stop using his powers entirely?

A father and son having a discussion.

Sean Patrick Thomas and Chance Perdomo in “Gen V.”
Credit: Brooke Palmer/Prime Video

As chaos rages on God U’s campus, Andre is dealing with an existential threat of his own. His father, Polarity (Sean Patrick Thomas), has undergone a major health crisis. As a doctor tells Andre, every time Polarity uses his powers, he experiences a micro-tear in his neural pathways, leading to severe brain damage. The only way to prevent further problems is for him to stop using his powers altogethers.

Given the news, Polarity wants Andre to take up his mantle. However, it seems as if Andre is already facing some brain damage symptoms himself. Will he keep using his powers even though they risk harming him? Or will he join his father in hanging up the figurative cape? Maybe there’s a third option: Could the mysterious facility where Andre is being held hold a key to curing his and his father’s condition?

7. What’s next for Gen V‘s romantic pairings, like Marie and Jordan?

Two college students kissing.

Jaz Sinclair and Derek Luh in “Gen V.”
Credit: Brooke Palmer/Prime Video

Part of Gen V being a college-set series means it delivers lots of college relationship drama. Marie and Jordan forged a romantic connection throughout the season, as did Sam and Emma. Meanwhile, it turns out that Andre and Cate had been hooking up behind Luke’s (Patrick Schwarzenegger) back for a while. How will these relationships fare in Season 2?

Based on the finale, not well! Sam and Cate’s radical pro-supe actions have alienated them from Emma and Andre, and given their bloody actions, it looks like reconciliation — if at all possible — is a long way off. Marie and Jordan are doing much better, having come down on the same sides of the God U conflict. But will their relationship be able to withstand whatever is going to happen to them in the strange new laboratory?

8. What was Billy Butcher doing at Godolkin?

Gen V featured several cameos throughout its first season, but it was saving its two biggest for last. First up was a disappointing appearance by Homelander, followed not long after by a mid-credits scene featuring none other than Billy Butcher (Karl Urban) himself. We see him exploring the abandoned Woods — but why? What will he do with his knowledge of Vought’s secret pet project? Guess we’ll find out in The Boys Season 4.

Gen V Season 1 is now streaming on Prime Video.

Tech / Technology

What is No Nut November? Why abstaining from masturbation isn’t healthy.

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What is ‘No Nut November’? The practice of abstaining from masturbating for one month is harmful and the online community surrounding it spread misinformation about sex, and posts that are racist, antisemitic, and misogynistic.
Illustration of two men holding hands and tensing muscles and sweating profusely.

“I got a massive W [win] recently because I managed to refuse sex during a wet dream,” 26-year-old Aaron tells Mashable. “So I’m the No Nut November king, heavy are the balls that wear the crown.” 

Akin to monthly events centred on health-based challenges like Sober October or Movember, No Nut November is where people resist partnered sex and masturbation, with the aim of not ejaculating for 30 days. The challenge has developed into something of an online community, with hundreds of Discord servers and online forums acting as digital pseudo support groups for those taking part, and the No Nut November Reddit community totalling 137,000 members, called “nut comrades.”

While some are there to share memes and have a laugh, others are there to take the challenge very seriously, believing it will better them in some way. And some members have darker intentions. 

Aaron, who works in digital advertising, says he partakes in No Nut November annually, and has done since 2017. He’s an avid Reddit user, which is where he came across the movement, and was led to believe it would come with an array of health benefits. “Better mental health,” “improved will power,” and “being better in bed” are just a few reasons he cites for signing up to the challenge. 

“Frequent ejaculation is good for prostate health and masturbation is a healthy behaviour.”

The No Nut November community centres ideas like these. It has even been suggested by people in support of the challenge that abstinence can increase testosterone. But experts and actual research have presented data that suggests the complete opposite of this. 

Sexologist and author of Sexology: The Basics Silva Neves tells Mashable that there are “literally no benefits to giving up masturbation for a month, or even a week. None. Frequent ejaculation is good for prostate health and masturbation is a healthy behaviour.”

In fact, masturbation is often used by many for stress relief and tension, and for better sleep. Neves explains stopping masturbation can increase people’s stress and people can have less good quality sleep, which can impact on their work, their relationships, and their overall well-being.

Sex educator and author of All the F*cking Mistakes Gigi Engle adds that giving up masturbation will also likely make you sexually frustrated. “It will make you more irritable if you’re not getting that release. If you stop masturbating, it can also make you more anxious. You don’t need to masturbate for a month if you don’t want to, but there’s no real pros to giving it up,” she explains. 

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“Turning down sex and giving up wanking is a big thing for a man,” Aaron adds. “There’s just something about resisting it for an entire month and having your boys big you up that feels like a good accomplishment. I need to know I’m able to do it, so I know I’m not addicted.”

There’s an ongoing narrative in the No Nut November movement that these side effects of a lack of masturbation are a “symptom” that men are “hooked” on sexual pleasure. This feeds into the myth of sex addiction, which is not actually recognised by science.

“It does not make you a failure to masturbate. The idea that it does comes from purity culture where masturbation is considered about as ‘dirty’ and ‘sinful.'”

Neves adds that many members of the community will use this misconception as a reason why men should try harder to stop. “But those symptoms are an indication that they become dysregulated because they have lost one central and healthy and harmless way to manage their stress.”

The movement is also underpinned by ideas of “winning” and “losing”. A quick scroll through the No Nut Subreddit reveals disturbing posts of misogyny and intense, public group shaming towards those who share their “failures”. One Reddit user shared that he got an erection over Amy Schumer which received thousands of downvotes (the dislikes of Reddit) and shame-fuelled comments like “man down” and sexist replies like “come on, if you’re going to break NNN, do it for someone hotter than that.”

Engle explains that this language focused on showing your power and “winning” is rooted in misogynistic purity culture. “It does not make you a failure to masturbate. The idea that it does comes from purity culture where masturbation is considered about as ‘dirty’ and ‘sinful’ and that taking part in it makes you weak or perverted. None of this has any scientific basis or evidence.”

Neves says that associating masturbation with failure can have a severe impact on the person’s mental health. “It can be detrimental to people’s psychological well-being,” he explains. “Having the goal of restraining masturbation for one month as a ‘win’ can increase shame, stress, anxiety, a sense of failure, impacting on self-esteem and they often feel ‘not man enough’ or even ‘broken’ if they don’t succeed. Those who do succeed put themselves on a pedestal looking down on those who don’t.”

Basically, the whole movement is pretty shame-drenched, and at times, just plain cruel. A better challenge, Neves suggests, would be trying not to judge other people’s sex lives for one month.

Unfortunately, sexual health misinformation and toxic masculinity displays are not the only problems with the movement. What began as an online challenge for a bit of fun or an opportunity to shitpost online at best, has been co-opted by the far-right. Racism, misogyny and anti-semitism runs rife on the No Nut November subreddit and other #NNN discussions on social media platforms like Twitter. 

A deeper message propelling No Nut November is an anti-porn and anti-sex worker agenda. Most [cisgender] men use visual aids for sexual stimulation. So, for many, abstaining from masturbation means refraining from pornography use. And rather than take this into their own hands, many in the community have harassed sex workers online, projecting blame. 

 “Some of those No Nut November forums have been found to be misogynistic, homophobic and antisemitic,” Neves adds. “They incite violence towards pornographers and women who are sexual. There is a nasty underbelly to these movements.”

Back in 2018, for example, porn company xHamster tweeted against No Nut November, albeit playfully, implying that the movement shared misinformation and that porn wasn’t the bad guy. The fallout from this pretty innocent tweet, were violent anti-sex worker replies like “capital punishment for pornographers now” and anti-semitic images suggesting that Jewish people control pornography. Similar messages of sexism and anti semitism remain four years later, both on the #NoNutNovember hashtag on twitter, and in Reddit spaces. 

29-year-old copywriter Sanjai tells Mashable he took part in No Nut November four years ago after hearing some of his favourite podcasts talk about how freeing it was for them. “They talked about it like it was a fitness challenge which is something I’ve always loved doing and liked the feeling of accomplishing. I didn’t really wank that much anyway, not compared to my mates anyway, so I thought ‘why not?'”

Sanjai did come across anonymous forums for the challenge like the Subreddit along with a couple of Ddiscord servers. “I wasn’t there long. It was fucking disturbing to be honest. These men are really weird,” he shares. 

“[I saw] sexism, racism, conspiracies. You name it. I just wanted to see how long I could go without wanking, man,” he laughs. 

Aaron says he’s aware of this part of the No Nut November community, but doesn’t get involved. “I don’t know anyone personally, that’s part of all of that stuff. It’s nothing to do with abstinence anyway so I don’t know why it’s there but I guess racists will use whatever [they can].”

Neves says a lot of people have received misinformation about masturbation, often accompanied by misinformation about watching porn, and they feel shame about their masturbation behaviours. This is likely what initially attracts so many men to take part in the movement, along with the element of community and support that’s visible from the outside. But when they get there, they’re introduced to alt-right propaganda, misinformation, and violence instead. 

Being exposed to shameful language around sex is also no small enemy. Engle points out that engaging in sex negativity can make people feel like they can’t talk about sex (which creates problems around consent and managing sexual boundaries), make them avoidant in sexual exchanges because they’re worried about their performance (a common cause of erectile dysfunction) and encourage misogynistic ideas. 

If you’ve participated in No Nut November this month or you’ve caught wind of it and were thinking about it for next year, consider that you’re likely to interact with intense shame, sex negativity, discriminatory behaviour and inaccurate sexual health information. You certainly won’t learn anything about who you are as a man, person, or lover of any kind. Close your Reddit tab and have a wank instead.

This story was first published in 2022 and republished in 2023.