Tech / Technology

Best AI and ChatGPT training bundle deal: 61% off

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The Complete AI and ChatGPT Training Bundle is on sale for £16.38, saving you 61% on list price.
AI written above keyboard

TL;DR: The Complete AI and ChatGPT Training Bundle is on sale for £16.38, saving you 61% on list price.

Tired of not understanding the basics of ChatGPT? Since artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly popular, you may want to start studying up on this new technology. Whether you want to implement it at work, are looking for a side hustle, or simply want to play around, you can learn a whole lot more about the ins and outs of AI with this training bundle.

Tackle four info-packed courses from the comfort of your home with this Complete AI and ChatGPT Training Bundle…all without stepping foot into a classroom. And right now, they’re all available for just £16.38.

Totally new to this world? Don’t worry, this bundle can help — and you can learn it all from your device. It starts with ChatGPT for Beginners, a comprehensive course that will teach you the fundamentals of this program from OpenAI. Mike Wheeler, a Salesforce and ChatGPT trainer, walks you through this hour-long course that teaches you how to use ChatGPT in productive ways that could help your workflow. 

Expand your education with ChatGPT: Artificial Intelligence (AI) That Writes for You, taught by Alex Genadinik. This course will show you how to use ChatGPT for tasks like writing social media captions, blog posts, or other marketing content. Then complete your education with two courses from John Elder, Create a ChatGPT A.I. Bot with Tkinter and Python and Create a ChatGPT AI Bot with Django and Python.

Get a better grasp on artificial intelligence with the Complete AI and ChatGPT Training Bundle, now just £16.38 for a limited time. 

Tech / Technology

What does Grok, the name of xAI’s chatbot, mean?

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Elon Musk’s new xAI chatbot is called Grok and will be available to X Premium+ subscribers. Here’s what the name means.
A phone screen with the xAI logo on it. In the background is Elon Musk's X (Twitter) page and avatar

I guess there aren’t enough technical hurdles to clear at the company formerly known as Twitter because, today, CEO Elon Musk announced the platform would soon be getting an AI assistant courtesy of his company xAI.

Musk says, “In some important respects, it is the best [AI assistant] that currently exists,” which isn’t saying much. In some respects, I could be a pop star (great hair, okay singing voice), but that doesn’t mean that I am one.

What is Grok?

Anyways, the AI is called Grok, which is a verb that essentially means to read the room. Oxford Languages describes it as the ability to “understand (something) intuitively or by empathy.” It’s an interesting name to give an AI, considering that intuition is based on verbal, physiological, and auditory cues that can be hard to articulate to another human, let alone a machine.

The name dovetails with Musk’s obsession with sci-fi, having originated in Robert Heinlein’s 1961 book “Stranger in a Strange Land.” The story follows a human named Valentine Michael Smith, who is raised by Martians and goes to Earth to understand its culture.

In the book, “grok” is a word in the Martian language (notably not understood by humans) that means “to drink,” though it has expanded to “meant to take something in so thoroughly that it becomes part of you.”

Given this definition, xAI’s Grok may hope to “drink” as much information as possible from the internet, X, and its interactions with programmers and regular people to achieve its understanding of humanity.

Grok is not available to the public yet, but when it is, it’s going to cost you. Musk says Grok will only be accessible to subscribers of X Premium+, which can be purchased for “just $16/month via web.” By comparison, ChatGPT’s subscription plan, ChatGPT Plus, costs $20 a month, but a free version of the chatbot is also available to all.