Stephen Colbert breaks down Trump’s shifting stance on abortion

With Donald Trump in the news this week for his shifting stances on abortion, The Late Show host Stephen Colbert took aim at the former president’s recent video statements on Truth Social.

“In that video Trump was trying to stake out what he thought was a moderate position. He had previously floated the idea of a federal 15-week abortion ban, but he softened his position to this,” says Colbert, before playing a clip of Trump outlining a proposal to let states determine their laws on abortion. “Then the next day, the Arizona Supreme Court campaign clown car into cuckoo-land.” Colbert is referring to the reinstatement of an 1864 abortion ban in the State which makes abortion punishable by prison time.

“Trump apparently also has no clue how abortion works,” the late night show host adds, playing a clip of Trump talking about Democrats supporting abortion “up to and even beyond the ninth month.”

“It’s true, way beyond, it’s true,” says Colbert, breaking out his trademark Trump impression. “I know a lady, she was nine months pregnant, went to the hospital, the doctor yelled ‘push’, then she comes out and – get this – wasn’t pregnant anymore.”

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