Stellantis CEO dishes on Waymo, Rivian cuts staff and the great EV softening continues

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Welcome back to TechCrunch Mobility — your central hub for news and insights on the future of transportation.

Stellantis CEO Carlos Tavares and I covered a lot of ground in a wide-ranging interview covering the company’s previously disclosed targets on EV, the threat that Chinese automakers pose, its deal with Amazon on software and whether the Ramcharger and electric Dodge Charger are still on track (they are). Look out for more coverage this coming week, btw.

You might be surprised to learn that Stellantis is still intent to deploy commercial self-driving vans through a partnership with Waymo. Tavares said they’re working to “deepen” the relationship; you can read more about that here. Of course, as he talked, I wondered if this was wishful thinking or an attempt to show the company was still part of the autonomous vehicle conversation? Any of my doubts could be cleared up by this summer. Stay tuned. 

This week’s news also includes articles on Uber’s push into India in travel ticketing and delivery, consolidation in shared micromobility, a second chance for Nikola’s defunct Badger pickup truck, and more!

Let’s go!

A little bird

blinky cat bird green

Here’s an interesting one that brings high-end real estate and automotive together. Back in January, Mercedes-Benz made its real estate debut in a tie up with Binghatti Properties. The two companies partnered on a $1 billion development in Dubai that will include 150 apartments starting at $2.7 million a pop.

A little bird told us that Mercedes will announce another “Mercedes-Benz Places” development before the end of the month — this time in the United States. What’s your guess? 

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