Smart mobility: how EMQ is paving the way

And to help manage these connections, EMQ’s all-new one-stop management software, EMQX Edge Cloud Platform, allows smart mobility businesses to remotely monitor large-scale connected vehicle data bridges.

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What is MQTT? And how can it enable smart mobility?

To explain MQTT, you need to understand the Internet of Vehicles. Like the Internet of Things, it basically connects cars and their sensors with the infrastructure that surrounds them – including other cars – so they can share data and communicate more efficiently with each other to enable smart mobility on a larger and more seamless scale.

For years, MQTT has been the de facto messaging protocol, effectively acting as a server between these devices and ensuring that the correct messages are sent to the correct devices at the correct time. MQTT has been the preferred messaging protocol because it offers lightweight messaging for fast delivery and reliable control with advanced fault-tolerance to ensure data reaches its intended target.

The core perks of MQTT messaging – security, reliability, speed, scalability and total cloud integration – make it the perfect messaging protocol to take smart mobility to new heights, and help businesses achieve better connections between their products than ever before.

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How is EMQ taking MQTT to the next level?

Now we’ve established what MQTT messaging is, it’s time to look at how EMQ’s latest product – EMQX – is transforming the Internet of Vehicles landscape for even faster, more reliable and even more secure connections.

Quick UDP Internet Connections (QUIC) is a new message transport designed to work with and enhance existing MQTT server protocols. This is called ‘MQTT over QUIC’. In short, QUIC technology is implemented with less connection overhead, lower message latency, and better and more modern algorithms that are better for dealing with network switches, data congestion, data loss and other challenges faced by MQTT server.

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