Meta starts testing user-created AI chatbots on Instagram

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced on Thursday that the company will begin to surface AI characters made by creators through Meta AI studio on Instagram. The test will begin in the U.S.

The social media company’s announcement comes on the same day as a16z-backed chatbot company is rolling out the ability for users to talk with AI avatars over a call.

In a post on his broadcast channel, Zuckerberg noted that these chatbots will be clearly marked as AI to inform users.

“Rolling out an early test in the US of our AI studio so you might start seeing AIs from your favorite creators and interest-based AIs in the coming weeks on Instagram. These will primarily show up in messaging for now, and will be clearly labeled as AI,” he said.

“It’s early days and the first beta version of these AIs, so we’ll keep working on improving them and make them available to more people soon,” Zuckerberg added.

Zuckerberg noted that it worked with creators like the meme account Wasted and technology creator Don Allen Stevenson III to roll out early versions of creator-made chatbots.

Meta first announced its AI studio last year at its developer conference to let businesses build custom chatbots.

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