GSR2: The rules making cars safer but more expensive

Ford’s head of homologation, Douwe Cunningham, agreed that there were “no surprises” with some of the technology, such as advanced emergency braking (AEB) and the intelligent speed assistance (ISA) warning system, because they were already part of NCAP.

But there’s a belief that the EU is pushing some of the hardware beyond its reliable use in day-to-day service.

Cunningham raised the question of ISA’s reliability, given that it relies on cameras reading road signs that in many countries are badly maintained, absent and difficult to detect.

4 Ford puma 2022 front quarter tracking

The EU regulation also allows for GPS-based speed limit warnings, which rely on perfect mapping accuracy.

Therefore manufacturers that want to make the best offerings for their customers, such as Ford, feel obliged to offer both systems – but on more affordable cars, that means more parts costs added on.

There are also ‘big brother’ elements in the regulations. For example, the driver drowsiness warning will be handled by an in-car infrared camera, always focused on the driver’s face, to detect eye movements.

GSR2 is now on the statute books and therefore a legal requirement, but whether it will actually be effective in reducing road deaths only time will tell.

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