Finished Unicorn Overlord? Play These Games Next

Two characters talking within a temple in Tactics Ogre

Image: Square Enix

At the end of the day, Unicorn Overlord is an Ogre Battle homage. While it bears the greatest resemblance to Ogre Battle 64, that game isn’t easy to play on modern hardware, so instead you should play Tactics Ogre: Reborn. The remake of the 1995 title gives modern gamers access to one of the best tactics games ever made with one of the most well-written narratives in games. That’s thanks to director and writer Yasumi Matsuno, who would go on to make Final Fantasy Tactics and FF12. The game offers tactical complexity that will satisfy those fresh off of Unicorn Overlord, but with the added bonus of a deeply complex story that uses the game’s mechanics to drive home its thematic concerns about morality in war.


Platforms: PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, PC

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