All The Best Fan Remakes, From Lego To Roblox


Every time I see the gameplay of Roblox I have the same reaction: Is this how the game is supposed to look? Do people play this? This is popular? Are you all just trolling me?


And, yeah, I had that reaction once again watching this trailer, but shoutout to the creator for doing a good job matching all the shots from the GTA 6 teaser.

Alright, I think we all need to take a break from hearing that (admittedly awesome) Tom Petty song over and over again alongside the same few lines of dialogue. But yes, the internet is doing what it does best: taking something popular and remixing it thousands of times over.

It might seem like a waste of time, but I think it’s fun and I get a kick out of people bending different games using mods and tricks to recreate specific moments from the GTA 6 trailer. And at least none of these people spend hours researching which SPF sunscreen an NPC in the trailer was using.

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