ACEA calls for Europe to create own kei car law for small, urban EVs

European automotive lobby group ACEA has called for the introduction of special regulations for small, urban-centric EVs to create a version of Japan’s kei car segment.

Kei (short for keijidosha) is a specific category of cars in Japan whose small size and 660cc maximum engine displacement are regulated by the government to force car makers to design vehicles more suitable for cramped urban environments.

“The kei car is a perfect example of the kind of things we should be able to do,” said Luca de Meo, Renault Group CEO and ACEA president, at a presentation to outline a new manifesto designed to persuade law makers to soften some of the more onerous European Union regulations coming down the line.

Small electric cars in this proposed new category should have a reduced purchase tax, lower road tolls, easier access to city centres and not be subject to the same parking restrictions as regular cars, de Meo said.


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