6 Games We’re Obsessed With Right Now

A strange creature stands before the player's sword in Dread Delusion.

Screenshot: Lovely Hellplace

Play it on: Windows (Steam Deck OK)
Current goal: Venture further out into the world


I’ve said this here on Kotaku before, but so many role-playing games use the same Tolkien-esque building blocks in creating their worlds. And, look, there’s nothing wrong with that. I love dwarves and orcs and wizards with long gray beards as much as anyone. But it does make it all the more thrilling when you come across a world that feels truly original. I’ll never forget the excitement of venturing into Morrowind, finding a world with hints of familiarity, but that was also wondrous and strange. I’ve only barely stepped foot into Dread Delusion, a new first-person open-world RPG which just came out of early access this week, but already it’s giving me a similar feeling that I’m venturing into a world unlike any I’ve seen before.

There are familiar elements here, of course: swords and spells, sure, and vaguely Warcraft-esque flying airships to boot. But there are also crimson skies, and towering mushrooms, and enemies who defy description. The fact that the tech powering Dread Delusion makes it all feel reminiscent of late-90s Might & Magic games only adds to the wonderfully textured atmosphere.

Thankfully, while the world itself is alien, the core RPG mechanics feel pretty approachable, and there’s plenty of flexibility in determining just what kind of character you want to create. As I said, I’ve only just scratched the surface of Dread Delusion thus far, but I’m very much looking forward to getting lost in it for a while this weekend and seeing what new wonders await over the horizon. — Carolyn Petit

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