16 Cool Details We Spotted

Two criminals as seen in the new Star Wars Outlaws trailer.

Screenshot: Ubisoft / Lucasfilm / Kotaku

Hanging out with Sliro are representatives from the Pikes, Hutts, and Crimson Dawn. These are all previously established Star Wars criminal groups.


Crimson Dawn was created by Darth Maul and he ruled it from the shadows, letting Dryden Voss—as seen in Solo: A Star Wars Story—publicly run the group. Later, Qira would take over the group after Maul’s (second, real) death.

The Pyke Syndicate is one of the largest spice-dealing groups in the galaxy. Or, to put it another way, they are very successful drug dealers. They first showed up in the Clone Wars series and have since popped up in live-action and animation multiple times.

Finally, there are The Hutts or the Hutt Cartel. The criminal empire was usually run by a council of Hutts who helped make decisions and tried to keep the group from ripping itself apart. However, at this point in time—after the events of Empire Strikes Back—Jabba is in charge, as the council was destroyed during a previous battle.

One more gang to mention—though they aren’t named in the trailer—is the Ashiga Clan, a new criminal group created by Massive and Ubisoft which will also appear in Outlaws.

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