10 Hopes And Predictions For The Show


Last year, Alan Wake 2 was everything to me. Sure, I play a lotta games in this line of work, but AW2 kept me in a trance that lasted long after its conclusion, including a line about loops and spirals that I keep repeating and inserting wherever I can. Naturally, I need more. Yes, other narrative and cryptic games have managed to keep me satisfied in the meantime, but I need more of Mr. Wake and Ms. Anderson, along with Remedy’s wonderful storytelling and game design.


We know Remedy has been working on something, based on their tweets, including a rebrand of their Twi—X account to “Poison Pill Entertainment,” which, you know, would be the opposite of a Remedy. We’ve seen creative director Sam Lake in mo-cap gear, so we know Remedy certainly has secrets to reveal. Hopefully, we’ll learn what they are soon… — Claire Jackson

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